1. There’s a name a - bove all oth - ers, Won - der - ful to hear (wonderful to hear) bring-ing hope and cheer (yes, hope and cheer)
It’s the love - ly name of Je - sus, Ev - er - more the same (ev-er-more the same), what a love - ly name (a love-ly name).
What a love - ly name, the name of Je-sus, Reach-ing high - er What a name, the name of Je-sus, far, than the bright-est star; Reaching higher far, than the bright-est star;
Sweet - er than the songs they sing in heaven, Let the world pro - Sweet - er songs they sing in heaven, claim what a love - ly name! Let the world pro - claim, a love - ly name!
2. Thru His name there’s won-drous pow - er, Pow - er to re - deem (pow-er to re-deem), mak-ing sin-ners clean (the sin - ners clean)
By His pow’r He cleansed the lep - er, O-pened blind - ed eyes (opened blinded eyes), caused the dead to rise (the dead to rise).
What a love - ly name, the name of Je-sus, Reach-ing high - er What a name, the name of Je-sus, far, than the bright-est star; Reaching higher far, than the bright-est star;
Sweet - er than the songs they sing in heaven, Let the world pro - Sweet - er songs they sing in heaven, claim what a love - ly name! Let the world pro - claim, a love - ly name!
3. He’ll re - turn in clouds of glo - ry, Saints of ev - ’ry race (saints of ev-’ry race), shall be-hold His face (His lov - ing face)
With Him en - ter heav - en’s cit - y. Ev - er to ac - claim (ev - er to ac - claim, what a love - ly name (a love-ly name).
What a love - ly name, the name of Je-sus, Reach-ing high - er What a name, the name of Je-sus, far, than the bright-est star; Reaching higher far, than the bright-est star;
Sweet - er than the songs they sing in heaven, Let the world pro - Sweet - er songs they sing in heaven, claim what a love - ly name! Let the world pro - claim, a love - ly name!