Protocol Revision Subcommittee Tom Burke January 3, 2013
2 Summary of Revision Requests 8 NPRRs Recommended for Approval
3 Items for a Vote Unopposed Recommendations NPRR474, Clarification of Price Correction Principles and Associated Timelines* NPRR492, Addition of System Lambda Information NPRR493, Half-Hour RUC Clawback NPRR496, Revise West Hub Definition Due to Permanent Topology Change* NPRR498, Cleanup of ERCOT Finance and Audit Committee Responsibilities in Operational Audits* NPRR499, Revisions to Digital Certificate Holder Qualification Requirements* NPRR506, Correction of Reconfiguration SASM Language Inconsistency – U RGENT * NPRR507, Correction of PTP Obligation Settlement Language Related to NPRR322 and NPRR470 – U RGENT * (* denotes no impacts)
4 NPRR Descriptions NPRRs Recommended for Approval
5 NPRR474, Clarification of Price Correction Principles and Associated Timelines Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR provides general principles on the types of errors for which ERCOT may perform a price correction; and greater regulatory certainty around the associated timelines for price corrections, including ERCOT notice to Market Participants for a price correction request to the ERCOT Board. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR474 as amended by the 11/13/12 Reliant and Noble comments and as revised by PRS. On 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report as revised by PRS and Impact Analysis for NPRR474 to TAC. Effective Date/PriorityApril 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts (ERCOT business function updates). Business Case Highlights Providing more clarity and certainty to Market Participants regarding the price correction process and the circumstances under which a price correction shall be performed; and reduced disputes from Market Participants. ERCOT Public
6 NPRR492, Addition of System Lambda Information Purpose (MISUG) This NPRR accounts for the addition of the System Lambda to the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) by Resource Node, Load Zone and Trading Hub report and display; and defines System Lambda within the Protocols and applies the defined term throughout. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR492 as revised by PRS. There was one abstention from the Consumer Market Segment. On 12/1312, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report and the Impact Analysis for NPRR492 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2013 and rank of 820. Effective Date/PriorityUpon System Implementation – Priority 2013; Rank 820 ERCOT Impact$18k - $20k; impacts to MMS and MIS. Business Case Highlights Provides transparency to the data used in the LMP price calculations; and Market Participants with the ability to shadow LMP and Settlement Point Price calculations.
7 NPRR493, Half-Hour RUC Clawback Purpose (GDF Suez) This NPRR removes Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Clawback on all Half-Hour Start Units (a) that participate in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and (b) during Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) events; and changes the RUC Clawback on all Half-Hour Start Units that did not participate in the DAM to 50%. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR493 as submitted. There was one abstention from the Municipal Market Segment. On 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR493 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2013 and rank of 830. Effective Date/PriorityUpon System Implementation – Priority 2013; Rank 830 ERCOT Impact$15k - $20k; system impacts to CSI and S&B Business Case Highlights The removal of RUC Clawback for a subset of Generation Resources would send an appropriate signal to Market Participants, capital markets and manufacturers, thereby encouraging investment in more low-cost operational flexibility.
8 NPRR496, Revise West Hub Definition Due to Permanent Topology Change Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR revises the West 345 kV Hub to replace the Sweetwater Cogen (SWCOG) Hub Bus with Sweetwater East Switch (SWESW) Hub Bus. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR496 as submitted. There were two abstentions from the Independent Power Marketer (IPM) Market Segment. On 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR496 to TAC. Effective Date/PriorityApril 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts. Business Case Highlights West 345kV Hub definition will reflect actual network topology.
9 NPRR498, Cleanup of ERCOT Finance and Audit Committee Responsibilities in Operational Audits Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR proposes cleanup to Protocol language in regards to the responsibilities of the ERCOT Finance and Audit (F&A) Committee in operational audits. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR498 as submitted. On 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR498 to TAC. Effective Date/PriorityApril 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts. Business Case Highlights Consistency in documentation of ERCOT F&A Committee responsibilities in operational audits.
10 NPRR499, Revisions to Digital Certificate Holder Qualification Requirements Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR removes references to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; removes language giving new Market Participants a six-month exemption from certain Digital Certificate issuance requirements; and adds a prohibition against the trade or sale of Digital Certificates. PRS VoteOn 11/15/12, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR499 as submitted. There was one abstention from the Independent Generator Market Segment. On 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to endorse and forward the 11/15/12 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR499 to TAC. Effective Date/PriorityApril 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts. Business Case Highlights Removes unnecessary regulatory burdens.
11 NPRR506, Correction of Reconfiguration SASM Language Inconsistency – U RGENT Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR makes corrections to a table describing the timeline for a reconfiguration Supplemental Ancillary Services Market (SASM) such that it is consistent with other Protocol language describing the same timeline. PRS VoteOn 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to grant NPRR506 Urgent status. PRS then unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR506 as revised by PRS. Effective Date/PriorityFebruary 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts (ERCOT business function updates) Business Case Highlights Will ensure consistent Protocol language in regards to the reconfiguration SASM timeline.
12 NPRR507, Correction of PTP Obligation Settlement Language Related to NPRR322 and NPRR470 – U RGENT Purpose (ERCOT) This NPRR corrects the formula for the “Real-Time PTP Obligation with Links to an Option per QSE per pair of source and sink” variable (RTOBLLO q, (j, k) ), which affects the charge to Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) for cleared Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bids with Links to an Option. PRS VoteOn 12/13/12, PRS unanimously voted to grant NPRR507 Urgent status. PRS then unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR507 as submitted. Effective Date/PriorityFebruary 1, 2013 ERCOT ImpactNo impacts (ERCOT business function updates). Business Case Highlights Primary qualitative benefit is to maintain consistency between Protocol language and as-built systems and processes.