Jacobins (Repub.) (Left) Moderates (Center) Girondins (1791) (Right)
I. Biblical Left And Right
Direction, Gn.14:15 Opportunities, Gn.24:…49. (13:9) Greater / lesser blessings, Gn.48:13-19 Total protection, Ex.14:22, 29 (2 Co.6:7) Deception, treachery, Jg.3:15, 21 Stubbornness, 2 Sm.2:19-21 Location, Neh.8:4 Talent, ability, 1 Chr.12:2
Character, Ec.10:2. Two hearts: Innocence, Jon.4:11 Guilt by association, Lk.23:33. Cf. 22:37 Right hand Idiom: protection (Ec.7:12; Ps.16:8; 110:5; 121:5) Wise heart protects him Left hand Contrast: gets trouble “Sinister” Verse 3: foolish ways revealed
I. Biblical Right And Left II. Lessons Right And Left
1. Prohibition, Nu.20:17 God set up boundaries for His people Nu.22:26, life or death Dt.5:32, in the details Dt.17:11, 20, not one iota Josh.1:7, all or nothing 2 Jn.9 NT boundaries
2. Proof, 1Sm.6 Is.8:19-20 Mt.7:15-20 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn- bushes or figs from thistles?
Ac.17:11 Twofold tribute: 1 Th.5:21 Paul asks them to apply tests Some things look good on surface Attitude: more open-minded Action: examined daily
3. Prosperity, Pro.3:13-16 Preference, Prize, 16 1 K.3:11-13 Wisdom didn’t go home alone RichesHonorLong lifeWisdom
4. Principles, Pro.4:20-27 Focus, 25 Feet, 27 Thousands of wrong roads Pro.14:12
5. Pride, Mt.6:3 Instead of blowing a trumpet, don’t even remind yourself, or be impressed Lk.18:9-12 True love forgets – Wrongs done to it (1 Co.13:5) Charity done by it (Mt.25:31)
1. Prohibition, Nu.20:17 2. Proof, 1 Sm.6 3. Prosperity, Pro.3: Principles, Pro.4: Pride, Mt.6:3 6. Promise, Mt.25:…33, 41 As we face Lord, His right is our left (Mt.7:21-23)