Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union STRATEGIC PLANNING Same logic Where we are Where we want to be HOW TO GO THERE ?
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union MAIN CONCEPTS Where we want to be: Desired Future Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives Where we are: Present Problems/Obstacles, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities How to go there: Solutions Strategies, Programs, Projects, Services, Products, Activities, Actions
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union ORGANIZATION STRATEGIC PLAN It looks at your organization existing situation using different frames of analysis It describes the desired future synthesized in your organization Mission and Vision It identifies what activities, programs, services, products you will provide in order to achieve them
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union YOUR ORGANIZATION FUNDRAISING STRATEGY o Can be elaborated when your organization have a strategic plan: knows how to go from where it is to where it wants to be o Includes solutions to achieve financial sustainability of your organization activities, programs, services, products
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union PROPOSED STEPS FOR ELABORATING YOUR ORGANIZATION FUNDRAISING STRATEGY Imagine desired future Analyze present situation Plan to achieve desired situation Evaluate programs, services, products costs Identify possible sources of funding Decide on fundraising objectives Elaborate Action Plans to achieve fundraising objectives
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union IMAGINE DESIRED FUTURE Organization Mission Why your organization exist For whom your organization work How your organization works Where your organization works Organization Vision Your organization 3 years from now: size, location, people, beneficiaries, activities, outsiders’ perception about, etc
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union ANALYZE PRESENT SITUATION SWOT analysis Programs and target beneficiaries Types of funding sources Programs need and cost recovery
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union PLAN FOR TO ACHIEVE DESIRED SITUATION In order to achieve your Mission and Vision, based on the information generated by the different frames of analysis of the existing situation decide: What activities you want to perform and what programs, services, products you want to deliver When you want to deliver them
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union EVALUATE COSTS AND POSSIBLE FUNDING SOURCES Know what you want Evaluate the planed activities, programs, services, products costs Know your prospect Research and identify your possible sources of funding Determine your fundraising objectives based on these two steps
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union ELABORATE ACTION PLANS TO ACHIEVE FUNDRAISING OBJECTIVES Decide the actions Timing Who is responsible What resources are needed (money, time, information, other) in order to make the request and build the relationships