From Mission to Services/Benefits Mission Vision Culture Services
THE MISSION STATEMENT A Mission Statement is a declaration of the purpose of an organization; its reason for existing
Mission to Vision
Vision to Culture
What is the organization’s Culture? “Culture is the manifestation of the shared values of the organization as represented by the actions of its staff.”
What makes for a good culture? Stuff gets done It gets done well People are happy Leaders provide direction and guidance, and then Step Out Of The Way Success is celebrated Failure is used as a way to learn
Protecting your culture Walk the talk (saying something is easy, doing it is what is important) Hiring is crucial. Firing is also crucial Communicate the organization’s culture The organization reflects its culture Watch out for warning signs
The Warning Signs: How do you know if the culture is damaged? People don’t care Bored people quit Disenfranchised people quit Disengaged people quit You spend time on the wrong things instead of building the organization
Service = Benefit to Members