Welcome (BGEN Santiago / COL Brewster) MPAT TE-1 FHA Operations Overview AFP Disaster Response Task Force Situation Update and AFP Warning Order Public Health Effects of Natural Disasters Break Volcanic Hazards Mitigation and The AFP Response to Mayon Volcano Eruption Crisis Action Planning Overview Mission Analysis Lunch Conduct of Mission Analysis Monday
Administrative Announcements Measures of Effectiveness Philippine Office of Civil Defense Break COA Development Briefing Planning Information - Virtual Resources Prepare Initial COA Brief for the Commander Lunch Prepare Initial COA Brief for the Commander Red Cell Team Meeting Tuesday
Philippine Red Cross Initial COA Brief to the Commander and Commander’s Guidance Break COA Analysis Brief / Discussion Complete COA Development Lunch COA Comparison Brief / Discussion Conduct COA Analysis (COA and Red Teams) Prepare to game analyze each COA Conduct Game Analysis of COA Conduct Game Analysis of COA 2 Wednesday
Republic of Korea Presentation Conduct Game Analysis of COA 1 (COA GP 1 and Red Cell Teams) Prepare for COA Comparison (COA GP 2 & 3) Break Conduct COA Comparison (Plenary) Lunch Conduct COA Comparison (Plenary) Break Tour (TBD) Thursday
Canada Presentation Prepare Staff Inputs for COA Decision Brief Prepare COA Decision Brief (COA GPs and Brief TM) SAGIP 2000 Results Lunch COA Decision Brief to BGEN Santiago - Plenary (Brief TM) Break After Action Review (Col Brewster / LTC Azul) Closing Remarks (BGEN Santiago / Col Brewster) Friday