Principles of Child Dev’t Development is a process that includes growth as well as progress in skills and abilities. Each child is unique BUT certain ones are observed in all children and in the same sequence. Proceeds at an individual rate Progress in one area effects process in another area – interrelated
Areas of Development Physical – size, wt, control and coordination of movement Intellectual – develop language, solve problems, remember Emotional – recognize and expressing feeling appropriately Social – learning to relate to other people Moral – learning to distinguish between right and wrong
Development is Sequential Simple to complex Head to foot Trunk out
Development continues throughout Life 1 st 3 years are critical Until 3, brain develop rapidly 100 billion neurons or nerve cells Transmit info to one another thru electric signals that must jump a junction point called a synapse (where neurons connect to multiple others) At birth infant use 50 trillion synapses but w/I first few months of life increases to 1000 trillion # of synapses can increase or decrease 25% depending on the level of positive attention and interaction
Factors That Influence Development Heredity (nature) – traits from genes passed down from mom and dad Environment (nurture) – conditions and circumstances affecting a person’s daily life; most influential is family, then community live in, then economic condition (access to education and technology)
Infant Growth (increase in size and weight) Average birth weight is 7 1/2 lb and length is 20”. Lose weight before they leave the hospital – due to fluid loss and lack of appetite. By the end of the first, the ave baby will have gained about 2 lbs. General rule of growth – 3X weight in first year – 1.5X height Body proportions – ¼ of length is head (adult 1/8); short legs and arms
Head Head is elongated called molding – rounds off several days after birth because of Fontanels (soft spots) Strengthen neck by placing on stomach so they move head side-to-side and practice head rearing Can hold by 6 mos
May develop CRADLE CAP (yellow crust on baby’s scalp)
EYES Can see between 5” and 18” at birth Focus on one object Like dim lit rooms over brightly lit Like faces and bright colors Tear ducts aren’t developed at birth – so no tears when cry Sometimes eye muscles are weak at birth causing momentary cross-eyes See like an adult by 3 mos
EARS Good hearing Prefer human voice Startle easy - If not baby may be hard of hearing and need to see a doctor
MOUTH Automatic sucking action Taste buds on tongue and roof of mouth are very sensitive Roof of mouth isn’t as flat as an adult
TEETH Tooth buds are formed during 1st trimester for primary teeth and 3 rd trimester for permanent teeth First appears around 6-10 mos – usually bottom front
TORSO, LEGS, FEET First day in fetal position Legs will be slightly bowed – straighten by age 2-3 Development head to toe, torso to limb
INFANT REFLEXES 1. Grasping reflex – disappears around 3 mos when can control on their own 2. Rooting reflex – cheek is touched, turn head and open mouth – quits around 9 mos 3. Moro (startle) reflex – loud sounds or sudden changes causes extension of limbs, arching back – quits around 3 mos 4. Babinski – stroke sole of foot, toes fan out and foot twists – quits at 6-9 mos 5. Walking – held under arms w/ bare feet touching surface will make step-like motions – quits 4-8
Child Dev’t Stages - INFANCY birth to 12 mos (pg 268 motor skills) 2 mos – added 3” & 3 lbs; hold head for short amts 4 mos – added 2” & 2 lbs; hold head; bear weight on legs 6 mos – added l” & 2 lb; heads grow for growing brains; roll over; sit w/o support 7 mos – crawl; sit w/o support 12 mos – walk w/ support 6-12 mos – physical dev’t slows down while motor dev’t speeds up