Jamestown, VA & Plymouth, MA Life in the English Colonies
Jamestown Was founded by the London Company in 1607 Promised wealth and other economic opportunities Settlers form an alliance with the Natives – Powhatan Confederacy English begin stealing food from them…Will they continue to help? “Starving Time”
John Rolfe to the rescue! – What does he bring with him? How does this crop affect Jamestown? English were using Native’s land to grow their tobacco… War! Between the English and the Powhatan Confederacy Lasts 20 years
Plymouth Puritan “Pilgrims” Leaving England b/c of religious persecution “Separatists” Wanted to preserve their way of life & traditions Sail to New England in 1620 on the Mayflower Meant to land in Virginia, but landed over 400 miles to the North! Oops! What does this mean for the Pilgrims?
Pilgrims & Native Americans Squanto Wampanoag Tribe helps Pilgrims plant specific crops Thanksgiving! Pilgrim Community Religion is the center focus of life – everything revolves around it