The Gambia Roadmap to Achieve RBM Targets September 2009 – December 2010
Country The Gambia Population at Risk 1,731,101 InterventionNeed to 2010Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end 2010 Gap LLINs (Universal Access) 1,54,064 { LLINs for 2 persons on LLIN distribution for both routine and campaigns} 80,02870,322 ( Funded by GFATM Malaria Round 6 Phase 2 ) 425,296 ( Malaria RCC) 289,905 ( Round 9) ACTs1,281,420 ( Public Health Sector only) 1, 281,420 ( Funded by GFATM Malaria Round 6 Phase 2 ) IRS$ 3,979,297 ( Universal Coverage) $ 1,661,159 (Round 9) $2,318,138 RDTs1,658,887 ( Based on Fever episodes ) 859,650 ( Funded Malaria RCC Bridge Funding and Round 6 Phase 2 ) 412,979 ( Malaria RCC) 386,258 ( Round 9) IPTp51,933 ( 3% of the Total population) 51,933 ( Funded Malaria RCC Bridge Funding and Round 6 Phase 2 ) M&E$1,657,546$527,850$1,29696 BCC/IEC$3,131,810$681,180$2,450,630 Human Resources (Capacity Bldg) $774,524$590,544$183,980 Other ROAD MAP COUNTRY SUMMARY
FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT $ 966,774 GFATM (Malaria R6 Phase 2) These fund includes both procurement and related cost to distribution of LLINs to beneficiaries $ 365,319 GFATM RCC Bridge Funding R3 These fund includes both procurement and related cost to distribution of LLINs to beneficiaries $26,923Government of the Gambia These cost include fund in national budget to support LLINs activity implementations LLIN resources available to achieve the 2010 targets
LLIN Ordering & Distribution to end 2010 Quantities 125,143 Procurement dates Expected delivery Campaign Date BCCBcc activities will continue Community mobilization Distribution Mechanisms of distribution Routine through RCH Monitoring and evaluationDifferent Level
ACT resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT $ 1,300,477 GFATM (Malaria R6 Phase 2) These fund includes both procurement and related cost to distribution of Coartem to beneficiaries
Case management ACTs required 1,281,420 doses of Coartem RDTs required1,658,887 Tests Procurement schedules BCCOngoing as per the workplan Mechanisms of distributionRoutine CMS distribution system Drug Efficacy Monitoring Monitoring and evaluation
IRS resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT
Indoor Residual Spraying DDT required Pyrethroids required Procurement schedules Distribution Training BCC Spraying Monitoring and evaluation (bioassays, insecticide resistance etc)
Other core interventions to be delivered over the next 17 months Reviewing malaria case mgt guidelines to include parasitological diagnosis for all ages before treatment Mass BCC campaigns and social mobilization activities on malaria control and prevention Conduct MIS studies and support MICs implementation Expansion of laboratory services to strengthen parasitological diagnosis Conducting mass LLIN campaigns to increase coverage and use
Bottlenecks- Summary of rate-limiting factors over the next 17 months Availability of funds for implementaion Procurement bottle neck and availability of comodities(ACTs, RDTs, LLINs, Insecticides for IRS) Utilisation of commodities by the general population (positive behavioural change/ good health care seeking behaviour Weakness of the health system (HMIS, logistical support to facilitate outreach services, availability of trained personel etc.)
Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2010 NeedFrom whom Finalisation and validation of strategic plan and policy RBM/WARN Finalisation and validation of the Needs Assessment report RBM/WARN Evaluation of the IRS programRBM Monitoring and Evaluation support to conduct MIS to cover the whole country RBM/WARN Setting up of Mini Lab for Drug/RDTs quality control