Neutrons Coordinator: Nancy Ross, VT 2004 COMPRES Annual Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Neutrons Coordinator: Nancy Ross, VT 2004 COMPRES Annual Meeting

Goals of COMPRES Neutrons: Identify and broaden the EAR neutron scattering community in the U.S. Stimulate and promote the use of neutron scattering in the Earth Sciences. Support educational activities Identify needs of the community, including future requirements for instrumentation and sources

COMPRES: Budget for Neutrons Year 1: $70,000 Year 2: $70,000 Year 3: $70,000 Virginia Tech Webpage(

Convenors: N L Ross, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; J Parise, Stony Brook Invited lectures: S. Redfern, R. Wenk, H-K Mao, B. Winkler, M. Welch + Poster Session Wendy Mao (Univ. Chicago): Hydrogen Storage in Clathrate Hydrate. Special Session: Applications of Neutron Scattering in Earth Sciences

Neutrons In solid state Chemistry and the Earth SciencesToday and tomorrow (March 12–16, 2003) Co-chairs: A. Wilkinson (Georgia Tech), N. Ross (Virginia Tech) Christopher Holl, Univ. Colorado Wendy Mao, Univ. Chicago Philip Neuhoff, Univ. Florida Kim Tait, Univ. of Arizona Charles Martin, SUNY Stony Brook Meghan Kamp, Ohio State Univ. Yang Ding, Geophysical Laboartory Darren Locke, Arizona State Univ.

COMPRES Neutrons: Ross Angel (Virginia Tech): High-pressure phase transition in lead phosphate(ISIS) Peter Chupas (Stony Brook): The local structure of “amorphous” FeS (LANSCE) Aaron Celestian (Stony Brook): Origin of ionic conductivity in complex structures (LANSCE) Julien Breger (Stony Brook): (LANSCE) Steve Jacobsen (Geophysical Lab) Hydrogen in wadsleyite (ISIS) Chris Holl (Univ. Colorado) Hydrogen in ringwoodite (ISIS)

High-pressure Neutron Powder Diffraction at ISIS Ferroelastic phase transition Paris-Edinburgh cell New gasket design that extends hydrostatic pressure range to 9 GPa (Marshall and Francis, 2002: J Appl. Cryst. 35, ) 2 samples to 6 GPa, 48 hours Ross Angel 2004

Ferroelastic phase transition in lead phosphate Neutron powder diffraction showed: High pressure phase has same symmetry as high temperature (R-3m) High pressure phase has disordered atoms above the phase transition This static disorder is suppressed at higher pressures Model system for perovskites, garnets, feldspars and titanites. Ross Angel 2004

5000-ton large-volume press in Bayreuth Size of high P-T mantle minerals and neutron fluxes are merging... and neutron fluxes are merging... A collaboration between COMPRES participants: Steve Jacobsen (Geophysical Laboratory) Daniel Frost (Bayerisches Geoinstitut) Joseph Smyth (University of Colorado) e.g. hydrous wadsleyite: (containing ~1 wt% H 2 O) 3 mm quench mm sized grains

11-bank scintillating ZnS detector array Measurements on hydrous wadsleyite and ringwoodite are being carried out on the SXD instrument at ISIS S. Jacobsen 2004

mounting the wadsleyite crystal onto the SXD sample holder at ISIS Neutron diffraction from single-crystal wadsleyite! S. Jacobsen 2004

H Location of hydrogen even in un-deuterated samples is possible (from, Two proton positions in the very strong hydrogen bond of serandite, NaMn 2 [Si 3 O 8 (OH)] Jacobsen et al. (2000) Am Min, 85, ). Measured at LANSCE H Location of hydrogen atoms...

COMPRES Neutrons Postdoc High-pressure neutron experiments (LANSCE, IPNS, ISIS) Test/design high P/T cells Communicate results to community (conferences, website, workshop) Help community with experiments

A High Pressure Diffractometer for the Spallation Neutron Source John B. Parise, Geosciences/Chemistry & Center for High Pressure Research, State University of New York, Stony Brook Russell J. Hemley, H.-K Mao, Geophysical Laboratory & Center for High-Pressure Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C. Chris Tulk, Instrument Scientist, Experimental Facilities Division, Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab Fast track – on line in 2007

Financial Assistance To carry out neutron scattering experiments and/or to participate in workshops and conferences on neutron scattering See for details