Nanotechnologies: evolution and perspectives in the chemical industry EESC, Nanotechnology for a competitive chemical industry September 9, 2015 Dr. Pierre Barthélemy Executive Director Research and Innovation
Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) From: Final report of the High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies, EC
Nanotechnology and chemistry are pervasive in the economy From: McDermott et al., 2013 Nanotechnology Patent Literature Review Nanotechnology represents a breakthrough in materials development: Materials technology in the past: mostly empirical, understanding at the macroscopic level Materials technology today and in the future: Understanding and designing structure and properties at the nanoscale (‘molecular’) level 3
9 billion people will live on earth by 2050! How can we guarantee food and water supply for everyone? What are possible bene- fits and contributions of plant science? Health & Nutrition Sustainability challenges are business opportunities 67% of the world population will live in cities by 2025! What does future architecture look like? Which materials are needed to make energy consumption more efficient? Construction & Housing 50% more primary energy needed in 2030! What is the ideal energy mix of the future? How big is the stake of renewable energy? Energy & Resources 1.2 billion cars will drive on earth by 2020! How can we reduce emissions and fuel consumption ? What will future cars be made off ? Mobility & Communication 4
Grand challenges meet competitiveness Nanotechnology Modern, advanced materials Societal Challenges -Health & well-being -Food security -Clean and efficient energy -Smart, green trasport -Resource efficiency -Climate Advanced functionalities Unique, tailor-made properties Knowledge intensive – IP Complex production processes Competitiveness -Chemical industry -Materials industry -Downstream value chains 5
China: Number 1 chemicals maker Source: Cefic Chemdata International 6
The size of the opportunity 7 Source: Final report of the High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies, EC 2015, quoting (1)
What are the challenges? Impact on the processing and manufacturing technologies of downstream users ( Investments needed along the value chains) Difficult transition from lab to commercial applications ( « Valley-of-death ») Up-scaling is critical – support needed for demonstration projects at industrial scale New skills in material science required Acceptability of innovation (Risk averse culture in Europe) 8
Conclusion Nanotechnology is a Key Enabling Technology Nanotechnology is needed to develop advanced materials and find solutions to the big societal challenges Nanotechnology is essential for economic and societal dvelopment Nanotechnology will significantly support investments, job creation and growth Need for a suitable framework and positive investment climate to support the development of Nanotechnology Like for all new technologies, need to strike a balance between risks and benefits 9