Imagination at work. Paddy McNabb Senior Engineer January 2016 Grid Stability Applications Wide Area Monitoring System
Synchrophasor Measurement V4V4 V1V1 Full per-cycle detail GPS Timestamp Phase V 4, V 1 Magnitude 1234 Synchrophasors: Key Features Synchronised V, I & Frq measurements 50/60Hz data captures dynamics 3-phase measurements Real-time streaming Time Phasor format Angle Difference increases with Power flow Impedance (weakened network)
WAMS Architecture Small Pilot Systems Large Enterprise-Class Systems High Availability & Co-Location Options Fully Scalable (locations, phasors, etc.) Fully Extensible (applications, etc.) Efficient & Flexible Archiving Flexible Display Building High Availability & Co-Location Options Fully Scalable (locations, phasors, etc.) Fully Extensible (applications, etc.) Efficient & Flexible Archiving Flexible Display Building
4 Software Solutions Portfolio Providing utility and industrial customers mission-critical IT solutions to modernize and ensure the reliable, efficient and safe delivery of electricity, water and fuels. GENERATION TRANSMISSION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTED ENERGY DISTRIBUTED ENERGY Market Management Demand Response Management Energy Management Wide Area Monitoring Distribution Management Utilities Communications Advanced Analytics Solution as a Service Geospatial Information System Mobile Workforce Automation – Field Force Automation OIL AND GAS TELCO Pipeline Consulting and Integration Services
5 URTDSM – Powergrid, India
Largest WAMS Report in Blackouts called for WAMS; 1800 PMU’s with expansion capability to 3000 PMU’s ~ 350 substations > 20,000 phasor streams at 50Hz All data aggregated up to national level : State Level Regional Level National Level
Largest WAMS NLDC RLDC SLDC PMU CS PMU - STATES For 50Hz data… Approx bandwidth; ~2Mb/s per substation ~ 140Mb/s per state ~720Mb/s per region ~ 1200Mb/s national Approx. storage : ~620TB/y per control centre
8 VISOR – Scottish Power
VISOR VISOR will demonstrate: Extended oscillation monitoring Visualisation & alarming of frequency, damping & amplitude: Governor modes (new)0.002– 0.1Hz Electro-mechanical Modes (existing)0.1 – 4 Hz Sub-Synchronous Oscillations (new) 4 – 46 Hz Oscillation source location Determine relative contribution of each monitored location to an oscillation Present to users in a clear way Long-term analysis of oscillations Real-time analysis results stored over project, feeding: Annual reviews of power system dynamics Validation of system model
VISOR Frequency Torsional Modes Generator Shaft Frequency RLC Modes Frequency Network RLC Circuit Control Modes Power Electronic Converters Fixed Change with Grid Topology Mobile New Series Compensation and increasing Power Electronics in GB introduce SSO…
VISOR Electrical - Mechanical relationship Mechanical modes appear as modulations of V & I, at f synchronous ± f mechanical_mode Need qualitative visibility of modes in the 54-96Hz range, to tell grid modes from mechanical modes Bandwidth of existing monitoring PMU data at 50fps gives accurate visibility up to ~10Hz Need new data acquisition approach with visibility up to 96Hz, accurate up to 46Hz System Frequency Electrical Modes Mechanical Mode Frequency
SSO: Hardware “Waveform Measurement Unit” New: 1 st demonstration under VISOR Streams time-synchronised waveforms at 200 samples/s Sent as IEEE C (PMU) stream “analogs” – fully compliant Implemented within Alstom Reason RPV311 simultaneous PMU, WMU, DFR SSO Management Application Frequency, amplitude & damping of SSO modes in real time Analyses Voltage, Current & Shaft Speed Alarming on high amplitude or poor damping Geographic view to identify interacting locations Results stored for long-term study RA33x Acquisition Unit RPV311 Central Unit
Harmonics Mapping Harmonics Management Detection, Location, Real-time & Off-line Reporting Substation Measuremnt DFR Waveform 256 s/cycle From Proc Bus OR transducers Substation Process Harmonic analysis Results contin- uously streamed to Central Central Presentation Real-time system view & alarms Identify interactions Off-Line Reporting, diagnostics, event & long-term performance System view of harmonics (rather than conventional line view) interprets interactions Reason RPV311 Harmonics on 50Hz data stream Measurement Waveform recording Processing Harmonics analysis Presentation Geographic view, real-time & off-line Decisions Prompt alarms Interacting plants Reduce risk Real- Time Identify trends & risks Asset behaviour (PE) Connection requirements Off-line analysis Diagnostic (interaction) New connection test Renewable penetration Inter- active
Conclusion Future Trends include: Larger WAMS > 3000 PMU/WMU’s Current storage in ~0.6 PB/yr range but technology is still being adopted ~1.2Gb/s bandwidth Higher frequency phenomena due to increased PE 200Hz analysis for SSO, enhanced fault analysis 256s/cycle = ~ 12.8kHz sampling, ~200 times data handling compared to 50Hz sampling Better ways of handling & processing data Compression techniques Error handling, mainly for control and sensitive monitoring applications Extraction and analysis of key stability indicators in power systems