Applying evidence in practice: definitions and approaches Julie Nelson, NFER 14 th November 2014 Presentation for LSRN workshop: ‘the practicalities of research’
Evidence-informed practice: a coming together of professional skills, attributes and knowledge Adapted from The Education and Training Foundation (2014). Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training – England [online]. Available: content/uploads/2014/05/4991-Prof-standards-A4_4-2.pdfhttp:// content/uploads/2014/05/4991-Prof-standards-A4_4-2.pdf
Evidence-informed practice: a coming together of research and practice evidence Practitioner assessments Management/ performance data Professional expertise/ tacit knowledge Research evidence EIP
What is ‘research evidence’? Case study Meta analysis Literature review Longitudinal study Randomised control trial External evidence Professional research Reflective practice Practitioner enquiry Action research Academic research
A system for creating and applying ‘academic’ research Adapted from Sharples, J. (2013). Evidence for the Frontline. London: Alliance for Useful Evidence.Evidence for the Frontline
Approaches to sharing and embedding ‘academic research’ Knowledge producers disseminate their knowledge Research, Development, Diffusion Problem-solving Practitioners identify problems and ask researchers to find answers Intermediaries help to translate evidence into guidance for practice Linkage Social interaction Researchers and practitioners work as ‘co-producers’ and users of evidence Adapted from Becheikh, N., Ziam, S., Idrissi, O., Castonguay, Y. and Landry, R. (2009). ‘How to improve knowledge transfer strategies and practices in education? Answers from a systematic literature review’, Research in Higher Education Journal, 7, 1–21.
Academic research and practitioner enquiry For impact across a number of colleges? To support one college’s development? To aid personal development? What is the purpose of the research? Statistically representative research for system-wide impact Smaller-scale or case study based for personal development What methods suit it best? Statistically-representative research - professional research lead Research for college/staff development - conducted internally/in collaboration Who is best placed to conduct it?
Types of practitioner enquiry – synergy with academic research? Collecting views of learners/staff on an approach or strategy Understanding learner needs Understanding (locally created for local use) Identifying, developing and monitoring new pedagogical approaches Taking a disciplined approach to ‘scale up’ Scope for future larger-scale evaluation Innovation (locally created – pipeline for future research) Taking key ingredients of a ‘proven’ evidence- based approach Implementing these at local level Monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the results Implementation (externally created – locally applied and evaluated)
A system for creating and applying academic research Adapted from Sharples, J. (2013). Evidence for the Frontline. London: Alliance for Useful Evidence.Evidence for the Frontline Innovation
We need more evidence of what works best! Published/shared examples of approaches Evaluations of effectiveness Evidence about the impact of different approaches on learner outcomes
Summary of themes and messages Effective use of evidence requires system wide change Systemic issues and solutions Socially interactive approaches seem more beneficial than linear models Sharing and embedding academic research First think purpose, then method, then producer. Scope for synergy with academic research through innovation and implementation Practitioner enquiry More examples of approach, and more evidence of their effectiveness, are needed The evidence base – what works and why?
Over to you! How do we actually use research evidence in practice? Could your approaches be applied more widely across the system? How? What could others learn from your approaches? What would you like to do differently, or better? Share your experiences of using research and conducting enquiry
NFER provides evidence for excellence through its independence and insights, the breadth of its work, its connections, and a focus on outcomes. National Foundation for Educational Research The Mere, Upton Park Slough, Berks SL1 2DQ T: F: E: