Saving $$$$ by Eating Healthy Maureen McDonnell, RN
Acid-Alkaline Chart
5 Tips for Eating Healthy & Saving Money Buy in Bulk: Buy local: Make Food in Batches: Grow Some Food: Buy Organic:
Buy Spices, Herbs, Grains, Beans, Flours in Bulk
Farmer’s Markets even in big cities
Cooking food in batches with a good friend saves time and it’s fun!
Food Grown in Organic Soil is Richer in Nutrients…you get more bang for your buck
Nearly 50 countries have restrictions or outright bans on production/sale of GMOs. In the U.S., the government has approved GMOs based on studies conducted by the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale...Get it? Mark Hyman, MD
reen-skin-care-good-for-you-good-for- the-environment /
The new “Calm” Line