Roman Pots and Microstations based on talk by Jaak Lippmaa Helsinki CERN 2005
DØ Forward Proton Detector Layout 9 momentum spectrometers comprised of 18 Roman Pots Scintillating fiber detectors can be brought close (~6 mm) to the beam to track scattered protons and anti-protons Reconstructed track is used to calculate momentum fraction and scattering angle –Much better resolution than available with gaps alone Cover a t region (0 < t < 3.0 GeV 2 ) never before explored at Tevatron energies Allows combination of tracks with high-p T scattering in the central detector D S Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q4Q4 S A1A1 A2A2 P 1U P 2I P 2O P 1D p p Z(m) D2 D Veto Q4Q4 Q3Q3 Q2Q2
Castle Design 50 l/s ion pump Beam Worm gear assembly Step motor Detector Constructed from 316L Stainless Steel Parts are degreased and vacuum degassed Vacuum bettter than Torr 150 micron vacuum window Bakeout castle, THEN insert fiber detectors Thin vaccum window
All 6 castles with 18 Roman pots comprising the FPD were constructed in Brazil, installed in the Tevatron in fall of 2000, and have been functioning as designed. A2 Quadrupole castle installed in the beam line. Castle Status
Microstation Advantage Lightweight design Directly mounted on beam pipe Detectors can be positioned close to beam Dynamic alignment of detector planes Redundancy provided by clustering No heat dissipation
Microstation Concept
Microstation Mounting
Microstation Cluster
Microstation Mechanics
Microstation Deployment Proof of concept Assembly of working prototype Develop MS technology suitable for many environments Extend MS technology to general detection platform
To Do List Selection of testing environment for the prototype Selection of detectors Selection of readout electronics Selection of mounting –Free on beam pipe –Separate stand
Roadmap to Überstation MSP Mark I Proof of concept at Fermilab Beam tests finished by May 2006 MSP Mark II Real detectors and readout integrated Beam tests Q1, 2007 (Fermilab/LHC) MSP Final Assembled μS-s ready for FP420 deployment in 2008