Ch. 26—Political Experiments in the 1920’s
Created out of the “German Revolution” of November 1918 (Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates) New German constitution was signed in Weimar, Germany in August 1919 While the constitution was being debated, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles.
Parliamentary republican for of government President (7 year term) oversaw the country but did not “run” it Chancellor “ran” the country and was chosen by the majority party in the Reichstag (or appointed by the President)
#1—Its first act was agreeing to an armistice on November 11, This was really a surrender #2—Accepting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (after a threat of invasion) #3—Ultra-inflation of 1923 (Not the government’s fault)
This gov’t never had popular support German army remained suspicious of it after the Versailles treaty March 1920—Kapp Putsch—revolt of civil servants and military November 1923—Munich Beer Hall Putsch (Gen. Erich Ludendorff, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis)
—Weimar Republic functions fairly well Economy stabilizes Germany enters the League of Nations Moderate parties thrive 1929—the Great Depression hits—gives rise to the “misery parties,” Hitler and the Nazis