Building Our Sense of Gratitude
Value Wheel For the first diagram (value wheel) shade in each section according to the level of value you place on it. 1 = very little value/importance to you 10 = critically high value/importance to you
Value Wheel + Gratitude Now for the second value wheel, complete each section according to the honest amount of gratitude you feel for each section 1 = very little amount of thought/gratitude felt or given 10 = very high amount of thought/gratitude felt or given
CREATE A WHEEL OF GRATITUDE For the third sheet, you will create a gratitude wheel, connecting large and small elements in your life in a web of gratitude. Give MEANINGFUL thought to what goes on your wheel. For the third sheet, you will create a gratitude wheel, connecting large and small elements in your life in a web of gratitude. Give MEANINGFUL thought to what goes on your wheel.
Think a Little Deeper… Now that you have established a web of things that you are grateful for, pick out some of the most key or important things/people on that web. Now: For each person/thing on that list, write 3-5 sentences expressing your gratitude for that person or thing. Now that you have established a web of things that you are grateful for, pick out some of the most key or important things/people on that web. Now: For each person/thing on that list, write 3-5 sentences expressing your gratitude for that person or thing.
Wrapping Up… This week’s journal reflection is about gratitude: Reflect on the impact of gratitude in your life: – Something you did – Something someone did for you – Something you saw – What you have noticed – How have you felt when… On the back of your passport: Create a meaningful statement that includes the word gratitude (or any of it’s forms, ie. Grateful, thankful, thanksgiving, etc.). As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -JFK As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -JFK
It’s fitting that National Thank You Month falls in January, which follows the country’s biggest gift-giving holiday season. Although it’s appropriate to express your gratitude to those who have given you a gift recently, saying thank you frequently can actually improve your health. The term “gratitude” comes from the Latin word “gratia,” which means grace, graciousness or gratefulness. Studies have shown that those who express their thanks on a regular basis experience benefits such as: Increased alertness and energy Improved optimism and determination Greater success in achieving goals More active; exercise more frequently Improved relationships with friends and families Studies have also shown that those who express their gratitude are more hopeful than those who don’t. Being thankful is more than just words; it’s a mindset. Here are some ways to help you live a grateful life this year: Journal daily. Expressing thanks or gratitude can be done in several ways — not all of which are verbal. Daily journaling is an excellent way to express your gratitude and reflect on your life. As you write down your thoughts, make sure that you reflect on the positive elements of the day. Challenge yourself to write down at least three things you are thankful for every day. Change your language. Depending on our life circumstances, it’s easier for our self-talk to become negative. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your life, find the positive and voice your gratefulness for those things. When we really start to examine our lives, we find that we have a lot to be grateful for. Most of us have food to eat, a place to live, a job, transportation and family and friends. Even if you don’t have all those things, be thankful for what you do have. Grab some friends. Tell your friends that you are making an effort to be more positive and thankful. Go one step further and ask them to walk with you on this journey. Surrounding yourself with grateful people will help you to be more thankful as well. Additionally, if you and your friends embark on a journey to be more grateful, you’ll find your friendships will grow even stronger. Embrace your memories. Part of being thankful is remembering the good times. Embrace the fun you used to have or the laughs you once shared with old friends. Reflecting on your memories can help you be thankful for that time in your life. Remember the good times, but don’t forget the present. On Gratitude…