Mr. Mize
By 1914, European countries had seized control of almost all of Africa and Southeast Asia.
: 1. ECONOMICS – European countries wanted raw materials and consumers for their products 2. 2) DUTY – many Europeans believed that it was their duty to spread Christianity and culture to other “backward” people. Example: “White Man’s Burden”, poem by Rudyard Kipling 3. COMPETITION – European countries wanted to take over an area before their competitors were able to.
Captain Alfred Mahan believed the following: Future prosperity depended on foreign trade. The U.S. needed a large navy in order to protect trading vessels. The U.S. needed to acquire naval bases throughout the world. As a result, the U.S. had a large, powerful navy by the late 1890’s known as the Great White Fleet.
Strategic importance of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. In 1875, Hawaii agreed to give the U.S. control of the seaport Pearl Harbor. U.S. Marines forced Queen Liliuokalani to surrender Hawaii at gunpoint in 1893.
Just like Hawaii, Cuba was very important to the U.S. Had natural resources ◦ Tobacco ◦ Cotton ◦ Sugar This made Cuba very wealthy Which is why Spain controlled it
Controlled by Spain Spain was largest empire in Western Hemisphere Was losing power More countries were breaking away This cost Spain a lot of money Ruled by Queen Regent, Maria Christina
Cuba tried to win independence from Spain…twice. The second time, Queen Maria wanted to teach Cuba a lesson She sent General Weyler ◦ AKA Butcher Weyler
General Weyler ◦ Spanish governor of Cuba ◦ Used brutal tactics against the Cubans. ◦ Responsible for detaining over 500,000 Cubans and killing over 100,000. Americans sympathized with the Cuban desire for freedom.
USA was an ally of Spain President McKinley wanted to avoid war with Spain.
Letter written by Spanish Minister in Cuba to the Queen of Spain Letter insulted McKinley ◦ Weak ◦ Incompetent ◦ Coward This infuriated McKinley and Americans
Sent to protect Americans in Cuba February 15, 1898 ◦ Explosion ◦ Killed 260 of 350 US sailors on board ◦ Heart & Pulitzer blamed Spain before any real proof was provided.
After 2 months of debate USA finally declares war on the Empire of Spain Muscle-flexing war ◦ To prove that Europe could not mess with USA ◦ To gain an empire ◦ To help Cuba?
Spain also controlled the Philippines Philippines wanted independence First battle of the war Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish navy in the Philippines after only six hours of battle.
Theodore Roosevelt ◦ Was Assistant Secretary of the Navy ◦ Resigned position to volunteer and lead a new group Rough Riders Cowboys and Indians Won battles in Cuba San Juan Hill
Signed after 16 weeks of fighting USA had beat an Empire! Gained control of: ◦ Cuba ◦ Guam ◦ Puerto Rico ◦ Paid $20 million for Philippines
300,000 Americans served in Spanish- American War 5,400 died ◦ 379 in battle ◦ The rest died from disease Yellow Fever Small Pox
No experience in colonialism Many felt an empire betrayed what our founding fathers wanted Cuba & Philippines had wanted independence, not a new master
Gave Cuba independence in 1899 Limited Cuba’s right to make treaties and borrow money Allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuba Gave the U.S. control of the naval base in Guantanamo Bay Independence?
Made a US Protectorate 1917 became American citizens Serve in US military Pay US taxes Can collect Social Security Not allowed to vote
Continued to fight against Americans for independence 220,000 Filipinos died, including 20,000 Filipino soldiers. Independence in 1946.
Roosevelt becomes President after McKinley is assassinated USA needs to quickly move from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean Decides to build canal through Panama
France began construction on the canal in ◦ Led by engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps About $287,000,000 had been spent 20,000 French men had died ◦ Mostly of yellow fever and malaria, ◦ French gave up
Colombia refused to grant the U.S. permission to complete the canal project. Therefore, the U.S. encouraged the Panamanian people to revolt against Colombia. On November 3, 1903, Panama declared their independence from Colombia and allowed the U.S. to build the canal.
Using mainly black workers from the West Indies The U.S. finished the canal in 1909 Arrival of SS. Ancon with 1500 laborers from Barbados at the Cristobal Port in Colon, Panama
Animation: How the Panama Canal Works Animation: How the Panama Canal Works
Established by Pres. Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 U.S. had right to intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order Extension of the Monroe Doctrine The U.S. used the Roosevelt Corollary frequently, angering Latin American countries.
Reasons Dominican Republic Nicaragua Haiti Honduras Country Occupied Years to control their finances, help them pay their debts, and keep the peace to restore order after a revolution and to protect U.S. businesses to restore order after years of anarchy to protect U.S. businesses during civil war