DAU KM Evolution – Past and Present DoD Deskbook And Ask-A-Professor transition to DAU. MAR 03 PMCoP transitions to DAU from Navy OCT 01 First DoD CoP - PM CoP DAU & Navy Defense ACQ Guidebook DAG JUL 03 PMCoP changes to ACC “system” JUL 96 DoD Deskbook CD AKSS converted To “Portal” AKSS expanded to Defense ACQ Portal (DAP) 20 JUN 06 ACC Enterprise Capability All AT&L CoPS JUL 08 ACC Web 2.0 Expansion Integrated Framework Chart - IFC AUG 09 New DAG in ACC New IFC MAR 09 ACQuipedia Performance Learning Tools Process Guide Best Practices Clearninghouse - BPCh transitions to DAU from OSD MAR 08 BPCh System SE & SAM PM eToolkit PLT In ACC Webcasts, Living Library Podcasts JAN 07 DoD Deskbook expanded to AKSS PBL PLT In ACC DoD Pricing Guides PLT In ACC DAG/IFC PLT Integrated Multimedia Libary Knowledge Gateways, Search and Portals Workforce Collaboration and Knowledge Contribution Performance Learning Tools Proven Practices, Lessons Learned BPCh Expansion PM, Log, HCI Multimedia Assets ACQuire Search New System Launch 1. AT&L Knowledge Sharing System (AKSS) 2. Acquisition Community Connection (ACC) 3. ACQuire Search 4. Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) 5. Integrated Framework Chart (IFC) 6. Performance Learning Tools (PLT) 7. Best Practices Clearinghouse (BPCh) 8.. Acquisition Encyclopedia (ACQuipedia) 9. Defense Acquisition Portal (DAP) 4 Pricing PLT SEP/TEMP PLTs JUN 00 ACC DoD KM Conf At DSMC
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