1. Have you heard my Jesus weeping all a-lone? In Gethsemane He wept all alone. He cried, "Take the cup away, But not my will, Thine I'll obey." Have you.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Have you heard my Jesus weeping all a-lone? In Gethsemane He wept all alone. He cried, "Take the cup away, But not my will, Thine I'll obey." Have you heard my Jesus weeping all alone? Then lift up your eyes t'ward the heavens above; Then lift up your voice in adoration and love, If you've heard my Jesus weeping all alone. 1 – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? Words & Music: Melissa Balusek Copyright © 1976 by Melissa Balusek All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission. © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

1 – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

2. Have you seen my Jesus hanging on the cross? Do you know He counted all things but for loss? He was nailed upon the tree; He gave His life for you and me. Have you seen my Jesus hanging on the cross? Then lift up your eyes t'ward the heavens above; Then lift up your voice in adoration and love, If you've seen my Jesus hanging on the cross. 2 – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? Words & Music: Melissa Balusek Copyright © 1976 by Melissa Balusek All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission. © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

2 – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Have You Heard My Jesus Weeping? © 2003 The Paperless Hymnal™