February 23, 2006 MTAC Workgroup #87 Improving the Drop Shipment Process Update
MTAC #87 Agenda FAST Updates Publication 804 Updated FAST Redirection Information - DEPS Delivery Unit Deployment – FAST Phase II FAST Web Based Training Overview
MTAC #87 FAST Updates Facility Slot capacity Based on customer input we have identified 50 facilities with issues related to slot volume The data for the facilities is being analyzed by groupings and constraint modifications are being entered into FAST Updates are scheduled to be complete by March. Currently, Group 1 is complete and Groups 2 & 3 are in final review Facility Volume capacity A process to raise facility flat volume nationally was implemented in November 2005 Flat volume complaints are at an all time low and any changes to volume are monitored and require HQ approval
MTAC #87 Publication 804 Updates MTAC #87 Workgroup reviewed the latest version of the Publication 804 Based on the review and comments, modifications will be posted online 3/3/2006 Additional updates will be reviewed at the next MTAC workgroup meeting for posting online at a future date.
MTAC #87 FAST Redirection Information Drop Ship Web is a USPS system that manages the redirection of mail from a default to an alternate facility Currently FAST uses ZIP/CIN data from Drop Ship Product to: Provide validation during the appointment creation processes Display redirection and discount information on Facility Profile page It is also used in the e8125 process to verify drop shipment discounts
MTAC #87 FAST Redirection Information, cont. Drop Ship Web will be a subsystem of FAST in May. New functionality will include: Temporary redirection support via an effective start and end date Multiple discount types accepted at a single facility (this will eliminate the need for phantom facilities) Redirections limited to mail class and/or mail shape; not splits by presort level New ZIP/CIN file formats will be available Now all drop ship product files are available online via FAST for free download Drop Ship Product CDs to be retired –Timeframe TBD
MTAC #87 FAST Phase II Deployment Phase I of FAST deployment included all facilities (including Delivery Units) that were using DSAS Phase II of FAST deployment is a significantly larger scope, audience, and change management effort than Phase I and will expand to all facilities, an estimated 30,000 Phase II Pilot is tentatively scheduled to occur in June 2006 Phase II Deployment will commence in July and will be phased by Area and District over a four month period
MTAC #87 Web Based Training The Team is beginning design and development of a FAST Customer Web Based Training course The customer course will be 2 hours and modular in nature The course will be “High Fidelity” and will include graphics and simulations In addition, the course will be designed to support the expansion of FAST and serve as a refresher for existing trained customers Course will be available via USPS.com FAST Customer Web Based Training course to be complete by June 2006