Welcome to R. E. Mountain Secondary School
Breakfast with Santa
Banff Music Trip
Volleyball, Badminton and Basketball Teams (to name a few)
Other Great Things R.E. Mountain’s Leo Club
Clubs and other Activities Project Kenya Project Kenya Student Council Student Council Student Leadership Student Leadership SWAG SWAG Langley Leos Langley Leos LGBTQ LGBTQ Debate Debate Badminton club Badminton club Weight Room Weight Room Mountain Achievements Mountain Achievements I.B. Council I.B. Council Impact Impact Multi-cultural Multi-cultural Textiles Textiles Guitar Club Guitar Club
Athletics/Intramurals Basketball Basketball Cross Country Cross Country Hockey Hockey Rugby Rugby Soccer Soccer Track and Field Track and Field Volleyball Volleyball Intramurals Intramurals
Grade 9 Core Studies English 9 English 9 Social Studies 9 Social Studies 9 Science 9 Science 9 Math 9 Math 9 Physical Education 9 Physical Education 9 Pre-IB classes are offered by application Pre-IB classes are offered by application Adapted academic classes are offered for students with IEPs upon recommendation of the Learning Support Services Department Adapted academic classes are offered for students with IEPs upon recommendation of the Learning Support Services Department
Grade 9 Elective Studies French French Mandarin Mandarin Concert Band Concert Band Concert Choir Concert Choir Visual Arts Visual Arts Ceramics Ceramics Drama Drama Foods Foods Textiles Textiles Family Studies Family Studies Woodwork Woodwork Metalwork Metalwork Metal Art Metal Art Info Tech Info Tech Business Ed Business Ed Video Production Video Production Personal Project Personal Project Supported Learning Supported Learning
What Grade 9 Students Really Like Variety of Classes Variety of Classes Having many different teachers Having many different teachers Electives Electives Making new friends Making new friends More freedom More freedom Extra curricular activities Extra curricular activities
R.E. Mountain Expectations Take pride in your school Take pride in your school Be on time for class Be on time for class Be prepared to learn Be prepared to learn Treat everyone with respect Treat everyone with respect Follow instructions Follow instructions Contribute positively to the school community Contribute positively to the school community Use appropriate language Use appropriate language
Counselling Services Mrs. Jessica Bain Mrs. Cora Pickering Mrs. Joanne Sharples Ms. Tera Springenatic
Counselling Services At RE Mountain, the counsellors advocate for students and act as liaisons amongst students, teachers, families, administrators and the community. Academic Advising Academic Advising Personal/Social/Emotional Counselling Personal/Social/Emotional Counselling Study/Organizational Skills Study/Organizational Skills Course Selection Course Selection Career Planning Career Planning Vocational Counselling Vocational Counselling Graduation Requirements or ‘Grad Check’ Graduation Requirements or ‘Grad Check’ Post-Secondary Information. Post-Secondary Information. Scholarship Information Scholarship Information
Need Information? Counsellors also initiate parent-teacher conferences, attendance profiles and “Round Robins” (interim academic performance indicators) upon request (and where feasible). Counsellors will also make intercommunity referrals for students and their families to qualified specialists in the community.
How do you make an Appointment? Students can make appointments before school, between classes and during the lunch break. Counsellors may also initiate appointments based on teacher and /or parent referrals. Counsellors may also initiate appointments based on teacher and /or parent referrals.
R.E. Mountain Accountability Check my Mark Check my Mark Synervoice Synervoice Interventions Team Interventions Team Counselling Counselling Administration Administration
Successful Grade 9 Students Come to class prepared to learn. Come to class prepared to learn. Attend all classes and participate. Attend all classes and participate. Do homework the day it is assigned. Do homework the day it is assigned. Use an agenda and keep organized. Use an agenda and keep organized. Plan out long term projects. Plan out long term projects. Go to Homework club or see your teacher to catch up on work or to get extra help. Go to Homework club or see your teacher to catch up on work or to get extra help. If absent from class, contact the teacher when you get back to school, andcatch up on missed work or arrange to take missed quizzes or tests. If absent from class, contact the teacher when you get back to school, andcatch up on missed work or arrange to take missed quizzes or tests. Do not plagiarize Do not plagiarize
Website and Blog Check out our Website: Facebook and
Upcoming Dates February 1 st to March 30 th – Online applications for PreIB is open. Application can be found at: February 1 st to March 30 th – Online applications for PreIB is open. Application can be found at: February 23 rd and 25 th – Grade 9 Course Planning Days at Yorkson Creek Middle School February 23 rd and 25 th – Grade 9 Course Planning Days at Yorkson Creek Middle School March 3 rd – Deadline for registration and course selection. Yorkson Creek students must return forms to their teacher. March 3 rd – Deadline for registration and course selection. Yorkson Creek students must return forms to their teacher. March 31 st – Grade 9 Pre IB Placement Exam at RE Mountain for all other Grade 8 applicants. Copy of Grade 8 report card must be brought to exam March 31 st – Grade 9 Pre IB Placement Exam at RE Mountain for all other Grade 8 applicants. Copy of Grade 8 report card must be brought to exam
Upcoming Dates April 1 st – Grade 9 Pre IB placement exams at Yorkson Creek for Yorkson Creek Middle School students only April 1 st – Grade 9 Pre IB placement exams at Yorkson Creek for Yorkson Creek Middle School students only April 28 th – Grade 8 Indoor Sports Day. All Grade 8’s attend REMSS to participate April 28 th – Grade 8 Indoor Sports Day. All Grade 8’s attend REMSS to participate September 6 th – First day of school for Grade 9’s only. Welcome BBQ and Grade 9 student orientation at REMSS 12:00-2:00 September 6 th – First day of school for Grade 9’s only. Welcome BBQ and Grade 9 student orientation at REMSS 12:00-2:00