By Emily Barbato
A president named Viktor Yanukovich was in power. The country already had suspicions that he was corrupt and the public was not happy with him. Public unhappiness began to grow. Then in November of 2013, Yanukovich took away his promise to sign a trade agreement with Europe that would bring the country closer to the west and reduce it dependence on Russia. This caused massive protests to start. People of all social classes started to get together and this can be traced as the start of this revolution.
Victor Yanukovich Russian President Corrupted President of Vladimir Putin Ukraine interferes with rebellion
Olexander Turchynov, interim president. He was Mr Yanukovych's arch-rival at the 2010 presidential election Arseniy Yatsenyuk, interim prime minister. He was the leader of the Fatherland party was its most prominent figure during the protests. Tetyana Chornovo, l She was known for her reporting on the murky business affairs and conspicuous wealth of top officials allied to Mr Yanukovych.
How the people organized Media brought attention to government corruption and broken promises. Key figures listed above helped bring attention to problems and brought people together in growing numbers to protest regularly On Feburary 18, ,000 protesters take stand in Kiev. How the government responded The turbulence and tension was seen by the government and they decided to use force. Police fired guns, used tear gas, flash grenades, and stormed main protestors' camp. President Yanukovich flees Ukraine and goes to Russia On March 1st, Russian parliament approved request from Vladmir Putin to deploy troops into Ukraine. Russia annexed Crimea.
The revolution was able to over throw Yanukovych and now Petro Poroskenko is in office. There are still problems with Russia and Vladmir Putin. He continues to want to keep Ukraine from allying with Western Europe. Current fighting continues in the Donbass area of eastern Ukraine. The success of the revolution is unclear as of right now. We will not be able to judge if the efforts of this revolution were worth it until more is sorted out. The situation is still unfolding.
This revolution is related to the revolution in animal farm because Napoleon and Viktor are very similar. Both Viktor and Napoleon were corrupted and took advantage of thing for their own befit. Napoleon Just used the weakness of the animals against them and Viktor just use the weakness of Ukraine's government against the people. Also the revolution in both situation may not be worth it. In the animals revolution efforts to over throw jones may be useless because Napoleon just control them and ultimately make everything pretty much the same. In Ukraine's revolution the protest just cause deaths and more problems with Russia making the efforts seem questionable.