Global Fund: Contributions to the Global Health Workforce 2 – 3 February 2012 Irish Forum for Global Health Conference
Results achieved As of November 2011: $22.6 billion to 150 countries to support large scale prevention, treatment and care programs In 2011: 3.3 million people received antiretroviral treatment 8.6 million tuberculosis cases were treated 230 million insecticide-treated nets were distributed to prevent malaria
Founding Principles Operate as a financial instrument, not an implementing entity. Make available and leverage additional financial resources. Support programs that evolve from national plans and priorities. Operate in a balanced manner in terms of different regions, diseases and interventions. Pursue an integrated and balanced approach to prevention and treatment. Evaluate proposals through independent review processes. Operate with transparency and accountability
Human Resources is a Major Constraint in Achieving Objectives of GF supported Programs: Principal Recipients'
The CSS Framework: Developed in 2010, revised in 2011 Intended to help countries include funding for community organizations, health staff at the community level and their activities in country proposals Promotes a common understanding of how best to strengthen community systems and contribute to key national goals, to ensure that people’s rights to health are realized Defines: Core Components of a functional community system Service Delivery Areas (SDA) Indicators for measuring performance in CSS Inter-linkages between community and (public) health systems Community Systems Strengthening
As of end of 2010, 25% of the consolidated expenditure of GF grants has been on supporting health workforce in countries Global Fund: Contributions to the Global Health Workforce
Under the country’s Health Extension Program (HEP), through Global Fund support, over thirty thousand Health Extension Workers (HEWs) have been trained and deployed in the health services, between 2004 and Round 7 HIV: 14,546 health staff trained in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Round 8 Malaria: 15,038 health professionals received extensive training on malaria activities; 13, 790 health extension workers received pre-service and IRT trainings Round 9 HSS: Targets 1,100 District Health Managers and hospital/health center managers for training in management and leadership Global Fund support to the Global Health Workforce: Ethiopia
The Round 5 grant supported the establishment of a community-based social insurance to cover PLWHA, indigents, and orphans. The scheme dramatically improved the financial access of the poor to health care and dramatically increased health service utilization. Round 7 HIV: 270 service providers were trained in diagnosis and treatment of Opportunistic Infections according to national guidelines Round 8 Malaria: 39,044 community health workers were trained and retrained on Rapid Diagnostic Testing use Round 9 TB: 881 medical personnel were trained (and retrained) in Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Global Fund support to the Global Health Workforce: Rwanda
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