Film Site Situation By Eleanor Wisenbaugh WRA , 11/6
MSU Film Studies Site Current incarnation located here. Current incarnation located here. Current incarnation located here. Current incarnation located here. Things one notices immediately: Things one notices immediately: What would site look like if more info was added? (Sustainability problem!) What would site look like if more info was added? (Sustainability problem!) Superfluous scrollbar to the right of text near middle of page Superfluous scrollbar to the right of text near middle of page Apparent function and behavior? Apparent function and behavior? Ugly and boring Ugly and boring Needs navigation tabs Needs navigation tabs
Current Scenario and Breakdowns We : recruit new students via our website … We : recruit new students via our website … Roles Roles Webmaster Webmaster Dept. heads Dept. heads Students Students Give webmaster new info Add new input to website Explain how to add FS as area of concentration Activity fairs Face to face meetings Look up site Decide to join or not Insufficient bkgrnd. info explaining how FS got started Or what it involves Insufficient info explaining why student would want to add FS It looks as if info was given once, put up and left to rot.
Research Design Chart-The “What if?” Machine What if more info was added to page? Front page Visit site Me, during proposal research What if the pointless scrollbar to right of text was deleted and/or moved to extreme right of page? Visual evidence Build prototype Me, last stage What if site were “jazzed up?” Genre analysis, interview Build prototype Me, last stage What if navigation tabs were added? (think projected sustainability) Genre analysis, interview Build prototype Me, last stage Visual evidence Build prototype Me, last stage
GANTT Chart NovDec Genre analysis-me Necessary interviews-me Necessary interviews-me Dept. members-me Dept. members-me Web staff-me Web staff-me User testing/situation analysis-me User testing/situation analysis-me Build prototype-me Build prototype-me Draft Final Report Due Final Report Due