Amended IGA/JPA Agreements CBI Grant Cochise County Board of Supervisors August 28, 2012
IGA/JPA I Coordination Boarder Infrastructure Grant Approved by the Board on Aug. 23 rd, 2011 Fully Executed Sept. 26, 2011 Federal Funds of $761,944 County Match of $46,056
Scope of Work Project Assessment of the 24 mile Davis Rd. Corridor from Highway 80 to Highway 191 & 30 percent plans for reconstruction of Davis Rd. from Central Highway to Highway 191 Negotiated addition of full Environmental Overview for Davis Rd. segment and a complete 100 percent design for the reconstruction portion.
Amended IGA/JPA’s Project Scope Split Apart Scope of Work Expanded Two Consultant Contracts IGA/JPA I Amendment One is now solely for the DCR IGA/JPA I for the PA No Change in Funding or Match
Design Review Fee Tracking Added a requirement on the State to provide an estimate and tracking of the Design Review Fees associated with both projects ADOT has provided the County with software and passwords to directly access ADOT Financial Records for our projects.
Recommendation Approve Amendment One to IGA I Approve IGA/JPA I