The Writing Process Week 2 Drafting
DRAFTING Drafting is the process of writing down ideas, organizing them into a sequence, and providing the reader with a frame for understanding these ideas. The end result is a composition or "first draft" of the ideas. The following questions might be helpful to students as they compose their first drafts: Drafting is the process of writing down ideas, organizing them into a sequence, and providing the reader with a frame for understanding these ideas. The end result is a composition or "first draft" of the ideas. The following questions might be helpful to students as they compose their first drafts: What ideas or thoughts will we include? What ideas or thoughts will we include? How will we organize the material? How will we organize the material? How will we introduce, develop and conclude our first draft? How will we introduce, develop and conclude our first draft? What will the title of our article be? What will the title of our article be?
DRAFTING Write it down… Are my thoughts organized? Are my thoughts organized? Do I stick with the same idea throughout my writing? Do I stick with the same idea throughout my writing? Do I know what order I want to say things in? Do I know what order I want to say things in? Which ideas do I want to develop? Which ideas do I want to develop? On your prewriting identify the ideas which you must use, might use, and will not use. On your prewriting identify the ideas which you must use, might use, and will not use. Do not cross anything totally out. You may decide at a later time to use it. Do not cross anything totally out. You may decide at a later time to use it. What ideas should I develop further? What ideas should I develop further?
DRAFTING Write it down… In what order do I want to say my ideas? In what order do I want to say my ideas? On your prewriting, number your thoughts or ideas. Place them in the order that would make the most logical sense. On your prewriting, number your thoughts or ideas. Place them in the order that would make the most logical sense. If you are dealing with time, make sure they are in chronological order. If you are dealing with time, make sure they are in chronological order. Did I skip lines? Did I skip lines? This will allow room for yourself and others to make corrections. This will allow room for yourself and others to make corrections. Did I label everything? Did I label everything? My name is on the page and all pages have a page numbers. My name is on the page and all pages have a page numbers.
DRAFTING Once you have finished planning your work, you are ready to start on the first writing of it. This is often called the first draft or rough draft. It is recommended that you write your first draft quite quickly, and not worry too much at this time about spelling or grammar mistakes. If you need to use a word or express an idea but you don’t know how to in English, then write it down in your own language. You can use your dictionary later. (If you are always stopping to look up words, it is difficult to let your thoughts flow naturally.) Once you have finished planning your work, you are ready to start on the first writing of it. This is often called the first draft or rough draft. It is recommended that you write your first draft quite quickly, and not worry too much at this time about spelling or grammar mistakes. If you need to use a word or express an idea but you don’t know how to in English, then write it down in your own language. You can use your dictionary later. (If you are always stopping to look up words, it is difficult to let your thoughts flow naturally.) Do your writing on a computer. This makes changing and correcting your work so much easier. Do your writing on a computer. This makes changing and correcting your work so much easier. While you are writing your first draft, you may find that you need some more information. In this case you will need to repeat one or more of the steps in the prewriting stage. You may also change some of the ideas you collected or the way you organized them. This is fine: some people find that their best thoughts come to them only after they have started writing. While you are writing your first draft, you may find that you need some more information. In this case you will need to repeat one or more of the steps in the prewriting stage. You may also change some of the ideas you collected or the way you organized them. This is fine: some people find that their best thoughts come to them only after they have started writing. The beginning and end of your writing are particularly important, and you should take time to get these right. The beginning should be interesting so that the reader is keen to continue reading. And the last paragraph should be a clear ending that, for example, concludes the story or leaves the reader with something to think about. The beginning and end of your writing are particularly important, and you should take time to get these right. The beginning should be interesting so that the reader is keen to continue reading. And the last paragraph should be a clear ending that, for example, concludes the story or leaves the reader with something to think about.