Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb 21 2003 FPD: Runs & hisDB Oracle Databases Goal: access information about FPD experimental setup and accelerator conditions which.


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Presentation transcript:

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb FPD: Runs & hisDB Oracle Databases Goal: access information about FPD experimental setup and accelerator conditions which is available through EPICS during reconstruction & analysis of data Two sets of data: - run related, do not change during the run proposal to put them into RUNS Oracle DB - time related, constantly monitored proposal to put them into hisDB archive Oracle database

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb Run related data 1)Pot positions, 18 variables 2)Low Beta quadrupole currents settings, 7 variables 3)Electrostatic Separator Voltage settings, 24 variables 4)Dipole correctors settings, 10 variables 5)Beam position monitors, 12 variables 6)RF cogging parameters, 3 variables 7)Tilt meters, 12 variables 8)Luminosity and Loss rates, 3 variables Total: 89 variables Plus: - noisy channels, dead channels (?)

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb Run related data: ACNET-EPICS Mapping T:IBEAMFPD_ACNET_IBEAMTotal beam intensity in the Tevatron C:D0Q2FFPD_QUAD_D0Q2FQ2 low beta quadrupole C:C4HSPFFPD_SEP_C4/HSPF C49 horizontal separator T:HC48FFPD_CORR_THC48F horizontal dipole corrector T:HPC48FPD_BPMS_HP/C48 horizontal BPM T:VQCOG1FPD_ACNET_VQCOG1 Tevatron cogging parameter C:C4Q4PFPD_TILT_C4Q4/P Upstream D0Q4 pitch. C:D0PHTLFPD_ACNET_D0PHTL

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb Time related data 1)Beam Intensity - DCCT, 2 variables (15 mins) - Fast Bunch Integrator, 148 variables (15 mins) - Sampled Bunch Display, 4 variables (15 mins) 2) Beam Emittance - Flying Wires, 6 variables (30 mins) - Synchrotron Lite Monitor, 36 variables (15 mins) 3) Device Settings - Low Beta quadrupole currents settings, 7 variables (15 mins) 4)Beam position monitors - Beam position monitor, 12 variables (15 mins) - Tilt meters, 12 variables (15 mins) - Collimator positions, 42 variables (15 mins) Total: 267 variables Need more? Can we archive slower?

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb Time related data: ACNET-EPICS Mapping C:FBIPNG[0-36]FPD_FBI_PNG/0-36Tev narrow gate FBI intensity. Bunch- by-bunch proton intensity T:SBDPIS[0]FPD_SBD_PIS/0Tev SBD proton bunch intensity. T:FWHPSG[0]FPD_FW_HPSG/0Tev horizontal E11 flying wire proton beam sigma. T:SLPSV[0,5,.]FPD_SL_PSV/0Tev synchrotron light proton vertical sigma T:E03UHFPD_COLL_E03/UH T:D49VFPD_COLLS_D49/V

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb FPD: Runs Database Rate Watcher on d0ol49 ACNET lmEpics EPICS COOR NVServer Brun/Erun Files RunGrabber RUNS Database

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb FPD: hisDB historyDB.py Cron on d0ol20 historyDB.py Cron on d0ol20 EPICS hisDB Database hisDB Database

Vladimir Sirotenko, Feb Current Status  Acnet-Epics mapping is implemented  Runs database:  database design change – done  runGrabber change – in progress  new database implementation – to be done  rate_watcher.py change - to be done  hisDB archive database:  reconfiguration – to be done