As we finish look at this area, think how varied the climate regions are…
Tundra in Alaska
And tropical wet in Hawaii
Appalachian Mountains
Mount Mitchell in North Carolina is the tallest of the group They are considered older than the Rocky Mountains due to the rounded tops
Pacific Coastal Ranges
Cascades and Coastal Mountains
Basin and Range
The Great Basin Between the Sierra Nevadas and Rocky Mountains Home to U.S. Lowest point, Death Valley
Rocky Mountains
Western North America Stretches 3,000 miles British Columbia to New Mexico
Great Plains
Good Grazing
Also important for growing grains
Interior Lowlands Broad flat area in North America
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains
Flat Area near coasts of Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
Canadian Shield
Mostly Rock Little Human life, little industry Lots of mining
Grand Canyon
Cut by the Colorado River A Mile deep at times
Columbia Plateau
Washington Oregon Idaho Cut by the Columbia River
Colorado Plateau
The 4 corners area Colorado Utah New Mexico Arizona Contains the Grand Canyon