Structures TC Awards Subcommittee Report Structures TC Winter Meeting 05Jan2016
Awards Subcommittee Members 2 Brett Bednarcyk (NASA GRC) – Chair Anthony Palazotto (AFIT) Robert Taylor (UT Arlington) Vipul Ranatunga (AFRL) Ho-Jun Lee (NASA Johnson) Olesya Zhupanska (University of Arizona)
Purpose of Awards Subcommittee 1)Advocate for Structures TC members and former members for AIAA and related Awards 2)Encourage and support TC members in pursuing AIAA grade increases 3)Help organize special sessions at SDM honoring TC members and former TC members 2014 – Dr. Charles Rankin (M. Hilburger) 2015 – 3 Sessions: Prof. Harry Hilton (Cristina Beldica, Craig Merrett) 2016 – None 2017 – Ideas?? 4)Administer the Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award 3
New AIAA Associate Fellows from TC John Zipay (NASA Johnson) Bruce Willis (NASA Marshall) Alex Selvarathinam (Lockheed Martin) Scott Norwood (Lockheed Martin) 4
Best Structures Paper Award Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award Continuing award endowed by Collier Research Corp., TC Member/Friend Craig Collier Selected from Structures Track papers that are in the top 10 in the Boeing/ASME Structures and Materials Award (SDM best paper award) Awarded to the top ranking paper that does not win the Boeing/ASME Structures and Materials Award Awarded for 1 st time at 2013 SDM Boston $500 to be split among authors Judged by Awards Subcommittee and a representative from Collier Research Top10 are selected from best paper in session as judged by session chairs Encouraging Session Chairs to review written papers 2016 Winner: Rainer Groh and Paul Weaver (U. Bristol, UK) For their 2015 SDM Paper entitled “Mass Optimization of Variable Angle Tow, Variable Thickness Panels with Static Failure and Buckling Constraints” Note: Boeing/ASME Structures and Materials Award also went to a Structures paper this year
Membership Upgrades Senior Member (Rolling) Can self-nominate 8 years of professional experience ( or 8 years of AIAA membership) Associate Fellow (Due 15April) Self nominations are not permitted Must be a senior member with 12 years of professional experience (may include 4 years of post graduate studies) Require 3 AIAA member references (Associate Fellow, Fellow, or Honorary Fellow) Fellow (Due 15June) Self nominations are not permitted Nominees must be an Associate Fellow for at least 12 months Require 5 AIAA member references One reference must be a Fellow, member of the Board, Section Chairperson, or Technical Committee Chairperson. To complete a nomination log in to MyAIAA and click on the nomination link located under Membership Advancements. 6
Primary Technical Excellence Awards The Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize (next 2019) Presented to a single nominee (an individual or small team of up to 4 contributing individuals) Specific achievement or body of work (perhaps extending over a period of years) that became significant during the immediate past 15 years AIAA-ASC James H. Starnes Jr. Award (next 2017) To recognize continued significant contribution to and demonstrated promotion of the field of structural mechanics over an extended period of time emphasizing practical solutions, to acknowledge high professionalism, and to acknowledge the strong mentoring of and influence on colleagues, especially younger colleagues. Presented at every four years Nomination deadline June 1, 2016 Structures, Structural Dynamics, & Materials Award (2016 – Thursday Awards Luncheon) Presented to an individual with outstanding sustained technical or scientific contribution Not presented in the years the following are awarded: –Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize (2019) –AIAA-ASC James H. Starnes Award (2017) –Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity (2017) 2016 Winner: Professor Anthony M. Waas –For pioneering contributions to the development of the innovative, experimentally validated, computational methods for progressive damage analysis of polymer and hot ceramic composite materials and structures. Lawrence Sperry Award (yearly) Award is presented for a notable contribution made by a young person, age 35 or under, to the advancement of aeronautics or astronautics. Annual award Nomination deadline: July 1 st Good award for young TC members
Other Awards Aerospace Software Engineering Award Aerospace Design Engineering Award Aircraft Design Award Engineer of the Year Award International Cooperation Award Sustained Service Award Distinguished Service Award Awards Listed at: 8