Chemistry CP
Metric Practice in NB Arrange these units in order from smallest to largest AND define what each unit means: Gram Decigram Milligram Centigram Kilogram Hectogram
Metric System Prefixes Metric UnitsPrefixSymbol 1,000,000,000, teraT 1,000,000, gigaG 1,000, megaM 1, kilok hectoh 10 dekada decid centic millim micro μ nanon picop
How Do “Measure” Chemistry? Metric System (International System of Units) Scientific Notation Significant Figures Dimensional Analysis
Metric System International System of Units (SI) Length – meter (m) Mass – gram (g) Volume – liter (L or l) Time – second (s) Temperature – Celsius (C) or Kelvin (K) Amount of substance – Mole (mol)
Metric System International System of Units (SI)
Conversion Factors(NB) *Helps to switch from one unit to another unit.
Conversion Factors(NB) Conversion Factors for Meters 1 km = 1000 m 1 hm = 100 m 1 Dm = 10 m 10 dm = 1 m 100 cm = 1 m 1000 mm = 1 m 3. Will the Conversion Factors be the same for liters? Yes! 1 kL = 1000 L 1 hL = 100 L 1 DL = 10 L 10 dL = 1 L 100 cL = 1 L 1000 mL = 1 L
Conversion Factors(NB)
Homework Metric System Conversions Worksheet 1. Complete # Show Your Work using dimensional analysis/unit analysis