Introduction to Earth Science Science Laboratory Safety
Safety in the Lab Being prepared is the most important thing you can do when you perform any lab. Good preparation helps you stay safe when doing science activities in the laboratory.
Preparing for the Lab Read the directions ahead of time. (ahead of time is not right before class) You should make sure that you go over each step of the lab in your head before the day of the lab. You should always make sure you know how to use all the equipment for the lab ahead of time.
Performing the Lab Your chief concern when in the laboratory is your safety and the safety of others around you. If you are unsure about anything you are doing, stop and ask Mr. Printz for help. Don’t hide anything from me. If something broke or you messed something up, tell me immediately.
End-of-Lab Procedures You are not finished with the lab until you have cleaned up your area. Your work area should look exactly the same as when you arrived. Do not leave the classroom until the area is cleaned. If you are going to be late to for your next class, I will write you a note. All lab work needs to be turned in to the box.
In case of an Accident When any accident occurs, no matter how minor, notify me immediately. Then, listen to my directions and carry them out quickly. If something happens to me, please get help. No really, I don’t want to die. I may have made some poor decisions in life, but I’m a good person. I deserve some medical attention.
Common Accidents If glass breaks, I will clean it up. Just step away until I have it cleaned. Chemical spills need to be reported first. I will either clean it up, or direct you on how to clean the mess. Cuts need to be cleaned immediately. Use soap and water. I will put a temporary bandage until you can get to the nurse. If you think its hot, it probably is.
Safety Equipment If we are working with anything that is glass or a liquid that we can’t drink, we must wear safety glasses and gloves. Aprons should be used to protect your clothing. Girls must tie back hair in lab. No open toes shoes. Roll up your sleeves when working with flames.
Just don’t do it. Smell it. Taste it. Take it home. Mix it to see what happens. Light it on fire. Throw it across the room. Put it on yourself. Put it on someone else.
Think before you act. We all have some common sense, use it. I don’t like being on the news. My replacement will not be as cool as me. I don’t want to go back to prison. Scars don’t look like tattoos.