Sophomore Meeting Preparing for the next two years of high school and beyond
Handouts Indiana Graduation Requirements 1 st page of transcript—2 nd page contains PSAT, SAT, ACT, and ECA scores as well as attendance Check courses, credits, GPA, rank ▫General and Core 40 Diploma – 42 credits ▫Academic Honors and Technical Honors – 47 credits Drop below “C-” for AH or TH on semester grade, student must retake that class for a higher grade, otherwise Core 40
Core 40 Graduation Requirements English/Language Arts – 8 credits Including a balance of literature, composition and speech. Mathematics – 6 credits (in grades 9-12) 2 credits: Algebra I 2 credits: Geometry 2 credits: Algebra II **Students must take a math or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school Science - 6 credits 2 credits: Biology I 2 credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or Integrated Chemistry- Physics 2 credits: Any Core 40 science course Social Studies - 6 credits 2 credits: U.S. History 1 credit: U.S. Government 1 credit: Economics 2 credits: World History or Geog/History World Directed Electives & Electives - 12 credits World Languages Fine Arts Career and Technical Education (College and Career Pathway courses recommended) Physical Education - 2 credits Health and Wellness - 1 credit Preparing for College/Careers – 1 credit Credit Requirement – 42 credits
Academic Honors47 Credits Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits. Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages). Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits. Earn a grade of a “C-” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B-” or better. Complete one of the following: A. Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP exams B. Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from the approved dual credit list C. Earn two of the following: A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits from the priority course list 2 credits in AP courses and corresponding AP exams D. Earn a combined score of 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, mathematics and writing sections and a minimum score of 530 on each E. Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section
Technical Honors47 Credits Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: ▫Pathway designated industry- based certification or credential, or ▫Pathway dual credits from the approved dual credit list resulting in 6 transcripted college credits Earn a grade of “C-” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B-” or better. Complete one of the following, A.Any one of the options (A - E) of the Core 40 with Academic Honors B. Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys; Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information- Level 5. C.Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75.Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass; Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80.
Quantitative Reasoning Courses Chemistry I Chemistry II Integrated Chemistry-Physics Physics I Economics Agribusiness Management Landscape Management AP Biology AP Calculus AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Physics 1 Principles of Engineering
Dual Credit Course# of College Credits Dual Credit on Approved Dual Credit List (AH/TH) # of College Credits *AP Chemistry5*Chemistry II3 *AP English/Literature3*Adv Math CC (1 st Semester)3 *AP English/Language3*Trig (2 nd Semester)3 *AP Calculus4Agribusiness Management3 Animal Science3Natural Resources3 Plant/Soil Science3Horticulture Science3 Welding I3Landscape Management I3 Welding II3APST I/II3 Introduction to Engineering3 Principles of Engineering3 Current Dual Credits at Lewis Cass * Requires testing to receive dual credit (PSAT/SAT/ACT/Accuplacer)
Dual Credit Course Information Drop Date!! ▫Informed of drop date by high school instructor ▫Based on course performance ▫After drop date their final grade will go on their college transcript Ivy Tech Transcript Current Senior on track to have 25 college credits from dual credit courses before starting college!
Weighted Courses: AP Calculus Adv. Math CC/Trig (Pre- Cal) AP English/Literature AP English/Language AP Chemistry Chemistry II AP Biology AP Environmental Science AP Physics 1 AP Psychology AP US History AP Spanish AP 2D Studio Art ▫New for No weight shall be considered when determining eligibility for remedial programs (i.e. Athletic Study Tables) or the C- requirement for AH/TH. The actual earned semester letter grade will be the determining factor.
Project Lead The Way Can lead to Scholarships Opportunities in college Current Courses: ▫Gateway to Technology ▫Introduction to Engineering* ▫Principles of Engineering* Offered at Career Centers: ▫Principles of the Biomedical Sciences ▫Human Body Systems ▫Digital Electronics ▫Computer Integrated Manufacturing ▫Aerospace Engineering ▫Civil Engineering ▫Engineering Design and Development
Scheduling Students will request courses for the school year during the week of February 22 Program of Studies available on Guidance Web Site Check pre-requisites for courses Check courses that alternate odd/even school years Parents can log in at home to view student’s requests Career Center Must meet Lewis Cass requirements to attend Application Deadline-Wednesday, March 9 Application & Course Descriptions available on Guidance Web Site Importance of Accurately Requesting Courses and Alternates Number of sections based on requests Courses fill up Policy Reminder A “W/F” (withdraw/fail) grade will be entered for any student wishing to drop a class from their schedule following a 3-week trial period at the beginning of the 1st or 2nd semester of the school year.
Optional Testing Opportunities PSAT ▫Offered as a sophomore and junior ▫Results were handed back last week ▫Individual Access Codes Can be linked to the Kahn Academy and provide a study plan based on individual student’s results to help increase performance on SAT/ACT ASVAB ▫Offered at the beginning of junior year ▫Results include an individualized access code and password that will help students explore careers specific to their abilities and interests
State Required Testing ECA-End of Course Assessment Taken after Algebra I, English 10, and Biology I Must take and pass Algebra I and English 10 ECAs in order to receive a high school diploma Students will have a chance in spring and winter to retest every year Waiver option in the spring of senior year—but not a guarantee Testing Window: May 10-May 14
State Required Testing ISTEP+ Test covers math, language arts, and science Required for state accountability, but NOT for graduation Testing Windows ▫Part 1: March 1-March 4 ▫Part 2: April 26-April 29
Summer School Opportunity Students can use this to catch up on credits or work ahead A way to raise a semester grade that may have dropped below a C- for an Academic or Technical Honors Diploma Cost is dependent on state reimbursement opportunities
Credit Recovery Grad Point ▫Students may utilize this option to make up a semester course or two during the school year ▫Cost is $35/semester
College/Career Search Learn More Indiana ▫Provides tools to help you choose your career path ▫ Drive of Your Life ▫A virtual drive that provides students with more information about careers that could interest them ▫ College Navigator ▫Explore colleges in Indiana and across the country to see what they have to offer ▫
College/Career Search Indiana Career Explorer ▫Students can sign-up to explore career interests and timelines, create an education plan, and research occupations ▫ Indiana College Costs Estimator ▫Results provide you and your family an estimated idea of how much college will cost ▫ My Next Move ▫A free way to match your interests to careers by answering 60 simple questions ▫
College Athletics You must register with the proper organization depending on what level of college sports you are interested in playing NCAA (9999) ▫Division I & II ▫ NAIA (9876) ▫Division III ▫ Once you get everything set up, you will need to check your student’s completed high school courses with the approved course list for Lewis Cass on their web site as well as overall GPA. Transcript release form-Bring to the Guidance Office so that we can mail transcript to NCAA or NAIA.
College Visits Start looking early ▫Many colleges will have summer tours students can take and not miss school Pick up pre-arranged absence and college visit forms from Guidance Office prior to going on college visit ▫The pre-arranged absence form must be turned in to Mrs. Bryan no later than two days prior to visit. The college visit form is to be filled out by the college representative and brought back and given to Mrs. Bryan the day following the visit. It takes the pre-arranged absence form, college visit form, AND a parent/guardian calling into the attendance office for the absence to be excused Juniors are allowed one college visit that does not appear on their attendance record and seniors are allowed two. ▫Students may take additional visits, they will just appear as excused absences
College Visits - What to consider Make an appointment with admission office ▫Step further-Appointment with a staff member in area of interest Check out student activities Sports programs What division Intramural Talk with students Visit Classes Questions to ask: ▫What if I’m undecided- programs available to help me make up my mind? ▫Admission requirements ▫Estimated cost for attending ▫Scholarships and financial aid available and deadlines associated with them ▫Housing and dining facilities options ▫Employment opportunities ▫Help for graduated students with employment, specific to major
SAT/ACT Links to register are available from the Guidance Page Recommended to take at least 1-2 times by the end of Junior Year ▫Best of each test ▫Band Conflict ▫Fee Waivers Lewis Cass High School Code (also called the CEEB Code) is ▫Important that this gets put on when signing up to take the test, otherwise we will not receive your scores to put on your high school transcript Students receive four free colleges to send scores as long as they choose the schools BEFORE the test date!! Require scores to be sent directly from testing agency: ▫Purdue (1230) ▫NCAA Clearinghouse (9999) ▫NAIA (9876) ▫Indiana University-Bloomington (1324)
SAT/ACT Practice Information SAT: actice actice Ivy Tech – SAT Prep Courses PSAT Results ACT:
Scholarship Search Guidance Web Site-Look ahead udents.php orgwww.scholarshipshispanicfund. org rshipshttp:// rships arships/state/indiana/ arships/state/indiana/
Class of 2018-Google Classroom Check with your son or daughter Important announcements Code to Join: ndp0ac
Today’s PowerPoint presentation and documents can all be found on the school’s web site at under the Guidance Department 10 th -12 th Grade link Heather Adams Guidance Counselor Grades ext. 5105
Thank you for coming! CLASSOF2018