Egypt Timeline Review
5000 B.C.- Farmers settle in the Nile Valley 3100 B.C. Menes is crowned “Lord of the Two Lands”. He is the first king of Upper and Lower Egypt.
B.C.- Old Kingdom 2630 B.C.- Imhotep designs the step pyramid for King Djoser at Saqqara. The Age of Pyramids begins.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, built by Cheops, was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years
B.C.- 1st Intermediate Period 2135 B.C.- Civil War breaks out. Tombs and temples are ransacked. People die of famine.
B.C. Middle Kingdom 1990 B.C.- Egypt conquers Northern Nubia. Fortresses are built along the Nile to defend the gold route through Nubia.
B.C.- 2nd Intermediate Period 1640 B.C.- The Hyksos invade from the east with horse- drawn chariots. They rule Egypt for over 100 years.
B.C.- New Kingdom 1504 B.C.- Thutmose I begins building a mighty empire as far as the Euphrates river. Armies are led to victory by the god Amun of Thebes.
1473 B.C.- Hatshepsut, the first female pharaoh (and one of the first female rulers in recorded history), sends a trading fleet to Punt. It returns with myrrh trees and baboons.
Also Hatshepsut…
1345 B.C.- Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti, close all the temples. People are only allowed to worship one god- Aten, the sun god.
1333 B.C.- Tutankhamen, the boy king, is crowned king at the age of 8 but rules for only 11 years. He (or his regent) reopens all the temples.
1274 B.C. Ramses II (the Great) signs the first ever peace treaty with the Hittites after the battle of Qadesh. Ramses the Great ruled Egypt for 67 years and is considered her greatest pharaoh.
Sun Temple of Ramses II Ramses II had five names. This cartouche features his throne name “Strong in Right is Re, Chosen of Re” Ramses’ wife, Nefertiri
1190 B.C.- Ramses III, the last warrior king, defeats the “Sea People”.
B.C.- 3rd Intermediate Period 770 B.C.- Egypt is overrun by enemies- Nubia, Libya, Assyria and Persia. The empire falls apart.
B.C.-Ptolemaic Period 332 B.C.- Alexander the Great from Madecon liberates Egypt from Persian rulers. The Ptolemaic dynasty is begun by Ptolemy, one of Alexander’s generals.
30 B.C.- The Romans invade. Cleopatra VII, last queen of Egypt, commits suicide.