Dual Enrollment Informational Meeting February 22, 2016
What is Dual Enrollment? A program that allows for high school students to take college classes in place of classes at the high school. SCHS pays for the cost of the class, book and fees (up to a capped amount-which changes each year) Students cannot take more than six total classes per semester through SCHS and college combined.
Dual Enrollment covers Fall and Winter semester only. College classes can be taken by students during the Spring/Summer session at your own expense. Classes cannot be PE or performance based (acting, guitar) Students can take up to 10 classes through online/dual enrollment while in high school. You will earn college credit AND high school credit for taking the class. Students must pay for any class (including the book) that they fail or withdraw from (E)….can be up to $
How Do I know If I qualify? Students must meet the minimum score on the PSAT, SAT or ACT to be considered “college ready” Students who don’t have a qualifying score will need to take the Compass Test at SC4.
How Do I Get Enrolled? Refer to the steps on the coversheet: – Fill out the Enrollment Application—IN INK—and return it to your counselor BY March 4th – Make an appointment at SC4 for testing, if needed – Make an appointment at SC4 to attend an on- campus orientation and advising appointment – These appointments fill up quickly, which could delay your ability to get enrolled in classes!!!!
Steps to getting enrolled, cont. – Use the username and password they send you to create an account on the Portal This becomes your tool to communicate for all things on campus Once these items have been completed, you are ready to enroll in an on-campus class.
OK..I Have Jumped Through All The Hoops….Now What Class Do I take? You are able to take a class that you have already taken the highest level of here or that we don’t offer (including AP Classes) Refer to the Graduation Worksheet… – Do you want to go to a four year university right after graduation? – Do you want to go to SC4 for just a year after graduation? (Michigan Transfer Agreement) – Do you want to attend SC4 for two years after graduation? (Possible Associates Degree)
Will My Credits Transfer ALWAYS check with the university that you would like to transfer to regarding how classes transfer!!!! It is not SC4’s responsibility to make sure your credits transfer!!!! In most cases, you must have at least a “C” in the class to be able to transfer the credit
What Do I Do Now? If you wish to dual enroll next semester…get your application and verification sheets in by 3/4/16 – Don’t worry about putting down a class yet! Get through all the steps needed by. Make an appointment with your counselor, AFTER all the steps are completed, to pick your class. You must be registered in a class before school is out for summer To get an idea of classes offered at SC4 go to
Remember…… By taking an online class, you start a college transcript. The grade that you earn will forever be a part of that transcript!!! If you take a 4 credit class or greater, you will probably go beyond the financial cap and will have to pay some of your own money for the class and book.