Joseph Stalin
Rise to Power Lenin had wanted Leon Trotsky to succeed him However, Stalin stresses his eternal devotion to Lenin (plans his funeral, gives speeches) Became General Secretary of Communist Party 1923
By 1927 Trotsky and other rivals are expelled from the party In 1928, Stalin began the first of his 5-year plans The goal was to improve industry and agriculture (Gov’t takes over) Many resisted this and it was believed that as many as 3 million were killed (Kulaks)
Total Power Created the Central Purge Commission in 1933 Over a million are kicked out of the party Millions were sent to gulags, prison labor camps Also had “Show Trials” between
At the show trials, people were forced to confess and were executed (torture & rewards; anti-Stalin & spying) It was estimated that 35,000 military officers were imprisoned or executed This will come back to haunt Stalin Trotsky flees to Mexico
Cult of Personality Stalin adopted this This means that countries use mass media to portray a heroic image of a leader Statues were made large to hide the fact that he was only 5 foot 4
Stalin and Hitler Hitler and Stalin signed a Non- Aggression Pact in August of 1939 Each side vows not to attack the other World War II will start less than two weeks later