Hong Gong Gong Vietnamese Rice Noodle Shop Class :餐旅二乙 Name :孫慈優 StudentID : 4A2M0049 Teacher :羅尹希
Information of the store Address : No.25, Sec. 1, Yongfu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan Tel : 06 – Opening hours : WED.-FRI. 11:00-14:30 / 17:00-21:30 SAT.-SUN. 11: :30
Open kitchen Shop Door
Dining environment
Menu 1. Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup Sour Rice Noodle Soup Coconut Rice Noodle Soup Coconut Satay Sauce Rice Noodle Soup Curry Rice Noodle Soup Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Soup Coconut Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Soup 2. Beverages 3. Dry Rice Noodle Dry Spicy Coconut Curry Rice Noodle 4. Appetizers
Filleted Fish Lemongrass Chicken Raw Beef
The data source
The End