Information Processing in Motor Learning Chapter 17 Sport Books Publisher
Feedback in Movement Control Sport Books Publisher
As we execute movements, the receptors in our bodies continually update the CNS about the nature of our actions The efficiency of motor control by the information-processing system depends on feedback Sport Books Publisher
Closed-Loop Control Sport Books Publisher
Follows the idea that movements may be planned and adjusted by feedback even during a movement This general closed-loop control process is self-regulating and will continue to maintain the desired movement of the performer Key elements: Feedback Error detection Error correction Analogy: thermostat Sport Books Publisher
Response Execution Motor Program Muscles Output Environment Error Input Senses Correction Perception Stimulus Identification Comparator (Reference system) CNS Executive The stages of information processing Response Selection and Programming Response Execution PNS Effector The motor program and motor system Motor Program Proprioceptive Feedback Muscles Output Environment Exteroceptive Feedback Sport Books Publisher
Advantages of the Closed-Loop System New skills Activities requiring precision and accuracy Allows adjustment according to the situation Adds versatility to movements Sport Books Publisher
Disadvantages of the Closed-Loop System Rapid, discrete actions do not properly fall under closed-loop control Demands attention and time Feedback must pass through the processing stage Sport Books Publisher
Open-Loop Control Sport Books Publisher
Describes control of automatic actions Motor program defines the details of skilled action before the movement begins and without the influence of peripheral feedback Movements may be structured in advance, enabling them to run off automatically when initiated Two main components: The executive The effector Sport Books Publisher
EXECUTIVE EFFECTOR No Feedback Chooses motor program STIMULUS EXECUTIVE EFFECTOR Chooses motor program Relays instruction Carries out specific instructions automatically No Feedback Sport Books Publisher
Advantages of the Open-Loop System Fast and forceful movements can be produced without extensive conscious control Attention can de diverted to other responses Does not demand as much time because there is no feedback Sport Books Publisher
Disadvantages of the Open-Loop System Not as effective in unstable and less predictable situations Movements may not be determined effectively in advance Not effective in precise and complex actions Sport Books Publisher