Reporting, Public Notification and Recordkeeping 40 CFR 141.31,.32, and.33 Ken Morin Bureau of Land Management.


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting, Public Notification and Recordkeeping 40 CFR ,.32, and.33 Ken Morin Bureau of Land Management

40 CFR Drinking Water Reporting A Public Water System (PWS) must report to its state, except in Wyoming. PWSs in Wyoming report to EPA Region 8. States may impose more stringent reporting requirements. Non-PWS have no Federal reporting requirements.

40 CFR Drinking Water Reporting (a) The PWS must report monitoring results within the first 10 days following the month in which the results were received. (b) The PWS must report within 48 hours, the failure to comply with any National Primary Drinking Water Regulation [40 CFR 141], include failure to comply with monitoring requirements.

40 CFR Drinking Water Reporting (c) Monitoring results from a state laboratory or lab certified by the state do not need to be submitted, if the lab sends the analytical results to the state office that regulates drinking water.

40 CFR Drinking Water Reporting (d) If the PWS violates a MCL, a copy of the public notification required by 40 CFR must be submitted within 10 days. (e) The PWS shall submit a copy of any record (e.g., sanitary survey, consultant report) required to be maintained by 40 CFR in the time period specified by the state.

40 CFR (a) - Drinking Water Recordkeeping The records must be kept at the PWS or at a convenient location near the PWS. Bacteriological records shall be kept not less than 5 years. Chemical analyses records shall be kept not less than 10 years.

40 CFR (a) - Drinking Water Recordkeeping Actual laboratory reports may be kept or data may be kept in a tabular summary provided the following information in included: (1) date, place, and time of the sample, and name of the person who took the sample; (2) sample type (e.g., check, routine, repeat, raw, or other special purpose);

40 CFR (a) - Drinking Water Recordkeeping Actual laboratory reports may be kept or data may be kept in a tabular summary provided the following information in included [continued]: (3) date of analysis; (4) laboratory and person responsible for the analysis;

40 CFR (a) - Drinking Water Recordkeeping Actual laboratory reports may be kept or data may be kept in a tabular summary provided the following information in included [concluded]: (5) analytical technical used; and (6) the result.

40 CFR Drinking Water Recordkeeping ( b) Records of actions taken to correct a MCL violation shall be kept at least 3 years after the last action was taken. (c) Copies of report, summaries, or communications relating to sanitary surveys of the PWS, conducted by the system, a consultant, EPA, or the state shall be kept at least 10 years.

40 CFR Drinking Water Recordkeeping (e) Records concerning a variance or exemption must be kept at least five years following their expiration.

BLM PWS Reporting Requirements [ B] PWS to comply with state reporting regulations.

BLM Non-PWS Reporting Requirements [ B] Non-PWS to submit monitoring records and public notifications if required by the state or if the state will accept the information. Retain records in project file.

BLM PWS Public Notification Requirements [ B] PWS to post public notification in accordance with state regulations, when MCL is violated. If possible deactivate the PWS until the problem is corrected.

BLM Non-PWS Public Notification Requirements [ A ] Non-PWS to post public notification when MCL is violated. Prevent use of Non-PWS that has never been tested. If it is not possible to prevent use of Non- PWS, post sign “WARNING - WATER NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.”

BLM Non-PWS Public Notification Requirements [ A] Signs must not be posted in lieu of testing. If water source is not a potable water distribution system, (e.g., stock tank) post sign “WARNING - WATER NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.” Do not post signs on streams or undeveloped springs.

BLM Drinking Water Recordkeeping [ A]` Record any modification of water system in project file. “As-built” drawings are the preferred recording method. Retain copies of O&M instructions at the system.