idtech S. Y. 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2
Principles of Design Essentials of the Structure
INVISIBLE STRCUTURE the plan is the beginning of the structure. From within to without
VISIBLE STRUCTURE FORM -direction -shape SURFACE -texture -tone -color
FORM – the primary identifying characteristic of a volume, it is determined by the shapes and interrelationships of the plans that describe the boundaries of the volume. “general to the particular” , mass to detail
MASS - a shape or three-dimensional volume that has or gives the illusion of having weight, density, and bulk. VOLUME - The amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space, expressed in cubic units.
VISIBLE STRUCUTRE -direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Major & two minor horizontals Dominant vertical with horizontals
VISUAL PROPERTIES OF FORM Shape The principal identifying characteristic of form Size The real dimension of form Color The hue, intensity and total value Texture The surface characteristic of form Position The form’s location relative to its environment or visual field The form’s position relative to the ground plane. Compass point Orientation Visual Inertial The degree of concentration and stability of form
VISUAL PROPERTIES OF FORM Shape – the principal identifying characteristic of form. circle – is centralized, introverted figure that is normally stable and self centering in its environment.
triangle – signifies stability when resting on one of its sides but tends to fall over onto one of its sides. square – represents the pure and national. It is static and neutral figure having no preferred direction
PLATONIC SOLIDS SPHERE - By: C Ledoux Rak Convention and Exhibition Center, UAE By: Ras Al Khaimah
PLATONIC SOLIDS CYLINDER Chapel of MIT by: Arch Eero Saarimen Rotonda de la Villette, Paris by: Arch. C. Ledoux
PLATONIC SOLIDS CONICAL Museum of Glass Metropolitan Cathedral, Rio, Brazil Museum of Glass
ADDITIVE FORMS by SPATIAL TENSION – two forms relatively close to each other, or share a common visual traits such as shape, material of color
ADDITIVE FORMS by EDGE TO EDGE CONTACT – to forms share a common edge, and can pivot about an edge Claude-Nicolas-Ledoux-Architecture
ADDITIVE FORMS by FACE TO FACE CONTACT – two forms to have flat, planar surface that are parallel to each other.
ADDITIVE FORMS by INTERLOCKING VOLUMES – two forms interpenetrate each other’s space
FIVE DIAGRAMS OF FORMS CENTRALIZED FORMS – a number of secondary forms clustered about dominant, central, parent forms.
FIVE DIAGRAMS OF FORMS LINEAR FORMS – consist of forms arranged sequentially in a row.
FIVE DIAGRAMS OF FORMS RADIAL FORMS – composition of linear forms that extend outward from central forms in radial manner.
FIVE DIAGRAMS OF FORMS CLUSTERED FORMS – consist of forms that are grouped together by proximity or sharing of a common visual trait. Same Shape different sizes same size
FIVE DIAGRAMS OF FORMS GRID FORMS – modular forms whose relationship are regulated by three dimensional grids.