chief knowledge officer
Knowledge management Research 1 It was initially supported solely by practitioners, when Skandia hired Leif Edvinsson of Sweden as the world's first Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
MIT Media Lab - Administration 1 The Media Lab has approximately 70 administrative and support staff members. Associate Directors of the Lab are Hiroshi Ishii (computer scientist)|Hiroshi Ishii and Andrew Lippman. Pattie Maes and Mitchel Resnick are co-heads of the Program in Media Arts and Sciences. The Lab's Chief Knowledge Officer is Henry Holtzman.
Chief knowledge officer 1 A 'chief knowledge officer' ('CKO') is an organizational leader, responsible for ensuring that the organization maximizes the value it achieves through knowledge
Chief knowledge officer - Knowledge Management Initiative 1 Top management can either appoint a Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), who will create the vision, or they can create a vision and entrust the CKO to carry it out
Corporate title - C-level titles 1 * Chief Knowledge Officer or CKO - the CKO is responsible for managing intellectual capital and the custodian of Knowledge Management practices, usually in a legal organization
Title - Military titles 1 These include Air Officer, Chief Academic Officer, Chief analytics officer, Chief Business Development Officer, Chief Credit Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, Chief Knowledge Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Security Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, Corporate officer, Customs officer, Field officer, Executive officer|First Officer, Flag Officer, Flying Officer, General Officer, Intelligence Officer, Junior Warrant Officer, Master Chief Petty Officer, Master Warrant Officer, Officer of State, Petty Officer, Pilot Officer, Police Officer, Political officer (military)|Political Officer, Revenue Officer, Military rank#Field or senior officers|Senior Officer, Ship's Officer, Staff Officer, and Warrant Officer.
Corporate executive - C-level titles 1 * Chief Knowledge Officer or CKO ndash; the CKO is responsible for managing intellectual capital and the custodian of Knowledge Management practices, usually in a legal organization
Knowledge capture - Research 1 It was initially supported solely by practitioners, when Skandia hired Leif Edvinsson of Sweden as the world's first Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
Bureaupedia 1 FBI officials see Bureaupedia as a knowledge management tool that will let agents and analysts share their experiences to ensure that their accumulated insight remains after they retire. The project is a collaborative effort between the FBI’s chief knowledge officer and chief technology officer.
Scient - Staff 1 * Douglas I. Kalish, Chief Knowledge Officer
For More Information, Visit: m/the-chief-knowledge-officer- toolkit.html m/the-chief-knowledge-officer- toolkit.html The Art of Service