Growth through better Customer Experience “The Longer you wait, The Harder it is to provide Outstanding Customer Satisfaction”
Get into Your Imaginative Hat
What Would you do ?? You left the Bus to get water The Bus Left Your Mobile Charge is off !!! On Your way to the conference
How did you feel ?
Reflect it on our Customer Comes to the airport onto a new Experience Finds No one in the airport waiting for him Does he Know WHAT He will do on His Experience? Does he Know Why He will do this Experience?
Put yourself in That Shoes
Who is responsible of Ensuring This to Happen ? “It Starts with Respect. If you respect YOUR Customer as a human being and truly honor their right to be treated Fairly and Honestly, Everything else is much easier” ANSWER IS EVERYONE in this Room!!!
Top Detractor Issues Pick Up Job Description Clarity Job Description Alignment
Strategies to Deliver Better Experiences
1.EP Team Leader “To Understand the man, You must first walk a mile in his shoes ” Why ? How ? EPs Improve their XP through Sharing Spaces EPs are Satisfied with their Experience EP Lead a multicultural Team and Be touch point with Hosting Entity Host Entity Select Person through matching Interview Team Structure could be by project or Nationality Clarify the role in the TN EP arrive earlier and Prepare
2. Intern Micro Experience “Always Give People more than what they expect to get” Why ? How ? EPs have Deeper Understanding about AIESEC Impact in Society EPs get other Opportunities to Learn about cross cultural leadership. Create More Promoters Global village Recruitment Sales visits Showcasing Event Increase your HR Capacity
3.Interns Preparation Seminr (IPS) Cultural Preparat ion Exchan ge Preparat ion Country Preparat ion “We are what we ALWAYS Do, Excellence is’t a single act, it is a habit”
Channels Virtual Channel s Physical Channel s Welcom e Packs “Under Promise and OVER Deliver”
4.LEAD for EPs Objective Creating a leadership development program to ensure better reflection for the experience that the EP is having inside the CY and help his journey to have a huge impact on him Local Implementation: It is going to be co-delivered between the 2 CYs based on specific Eps that are going to participate to be in it and they are going to have specific scheduele for it in the hosting entity and the sending entity would have to close the LEAD Program in their CY when EP comes back
5.Experience Feedback System “Unless you have 100% Customer Satisfaction,You Must Improve Firefightin g Innovation Showcasin g
Fire Fighting Techniques LC having a Call Center 3 days per week Specific Times Ensuring Fast Response. Call Center Weekly Checking on NPS Maximum Period from Open Case to Closed is 3 days. Quality Assurance Teams There is Online Complaint group for interns in the CY to communicate with each other and with the LC LC Interns group to spread the news about any LC activities for interns Social Media Groups “Your Customer doesn’t care how much you know till they know how much you Care”
6.Host Family Make Sure Rules are Implemented. Better Culture Experience which is one of the Value Proposition of GCDP. “Only a Life Lived in the service of others is worth Living”
Things to Remember 1.Intern Team Leader 2.Intern Micro XP 3.IPS 4.LEAD for Eps 5.Experience Feedback System 6.Host Family