The bamboo sector as an effective stakeholder network and the role of INBAR International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Coosje Hoogendoorn, Andrew Benton.


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Presentation transcript:

The bamboo sector as an effective stakeholder network and the role of INBAR International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Coosje Hoogendoorn, Andrew Benton WBC September 2009

New Madrid Airport

Lastenia Macias

Environmental benefits ●Mitigation – Fixing greenhouse gasses ●Adaptation – Erosion/land degradation ●Development – Income generation  The MAD challenge*  Holistic approaches & Partnerships DCs * J. Schellnhuber (2009)

Why a Network? ●Potential of sector is huge ●Much known already ●Knowledge levels vary tremendously ●Three functions of a network: ▪Information exchange ▪Linking of partners ▪Enabling action

INBAR ●Dedicated International Network for bamboo and rattan ●International Commodity Body for bamboo and rattan ●Innovation through action research ●Partners: ▪National  International ▪Public  Private ●Small & flexible ●Based in a centre of knowledge

INBAR Stakeholders ●Aprox 1 bn rural poor ●Member countries & their (3 bn) citizens ●Users/buyers of bamboo products ●Actual or potential investors ●Innovators/implementers ●The world’s development community

Partnership approach ●MoUs & contracts (200+) ●Regular Contacts (550) ●Information services ●Training ●(Action Research) Projects Bodoland Bamboo Development Board MoU July 2009

INBAR partnerships ●Members – 34 countries ●Affiliates – 170 individuals & institutions ●Global Partnership Programmes ▪Non Timber Forest Products ▪Global Bamboo Housing Programme ▪Global Rattan Programme

Global Bamboo Housing Programme Responding to the pressing need for an alternative to timber ●Google group (150+) ●Int. Workshops & Competition (3) ●Standards (2) ●Innovation Projects (3+1) ●Vocational training

Outlook ●Partnership approach essential for INBAR ●Positive impact ▪On communities & environment ▪On partners in the network ●Enlarging the network needed for ▪Realizing the potential of bamboo ▪Responding to the MAD Challenge

INBAR’s Strategy Mission: Improve the lives of the producers and users of bamboo and rattan through sustainable trade and use of the resources. 4 Strategies: ●Expanding the network (Fu) ●Better ways and means of livelihood development (Bersalona) ●Strengthen sustainable use of the environment (Buckingham) ●Fair pro-poor global trading systems (Jonkhart)

Thank you for your attention INBAR - In Partnership for a Better World