Mind Body and Soul Marked Piece Learning Objective: To draw together what we have learned in this unit and develop the skill of being an effective Team Worker.
A reminder of what we have covered... Worries and concerns about the upcoming year Coping and managing exam stress Mental Health How to Revise Eat Sleep Rave Repeat Revision Timetables Future Interviews
Your Challenge What will I be doing? You will be creating a short film that includes your learning from this unit on Mind Body and Soul, in order to help students in Year 11 be prepared for their exams and the upcoming year.. How can I present my work? Suggestions of how to present your work: Big Brother Diary Room entry (each person in the group talks about what they have learned and will take away from the unit in the diary room chair) Life Coach e.g. In the style of a Ruby Wax help film. In the style of a Year 11 Assembly Who will I be working with? Working in groups of 3-5. How long do I have? 2 lessons – 1 to prepare and 1 to finish and present.
How will I be marked? Progress: You will be marked on how well you have incorporated the learning from the unit (i.e. How many concepts you have included) and how informative/helpful your film is for Year 11 students. Attitude: You will be marked on how well you have worked as a team, how creative you have been and how much effort has gone into creating your film.