IEEE Region 2 Director-Elect Report Parviz Famouri February 21, 2012 Baltimore, MD
MGA Conferences Ad Hoc Committee, Chair In early 2010, Barry Shoop, 2010 VP- MGA, identified conferences as an area in which MGA needs to be proactive, and thus he created a “Tiger Team” to assist the MGA Board in developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy and operational plan with respect to conferences. 3/12/20162
IEEE Conferences Committee The IEEE Conferences Committee shall formulate and recommend strategies and policies for IEEE conferences and provide oversight for conference-related activities. 3/12/20163
MGA Allocations and Expenses Ad Hoc Committee MGA Vice President Howard Michel has established an Ad Hoc Committee to review MGA allocations and expenses and recommend changes that can improve the overall effectiveness of MGA. The review will include a review of all of the dollars spent by MGA and the 10 Regions. 3/12/20164
2011 MGA Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment Committee IEEE will be a valued partner in the development of regional geographic strategies and focus on being a model global organization. 3/12/20165
IEEE Nanotechnology Council Program Chair IEEE NANO 2012 conference (Birmingham, UK August 20-23, /12/20166
Ad hoc Committee on Student Activities Finances AB Shafaye, Chair Andrew Berger, Past SAC Shreekanth Mandayam, Past SAC Li Bai, Past SAC Vil Arafiles, Past IEEE Region 2 Treasurer Gerard Christman, IEEE Region 2 Treasurer Andrew Thompson, RSR Eugenio Villaseca, R2 SAC Chair 3/12/20167
The Charge Examine the current SAC conference’s financial model and determine the main causes of the deficit. Compare the current Region 2 SAC conference’s financial model with other similar IEEE Regional SAC conferences. If changes are warranted, recommend mechanisms to eliminate the deficit, yet maintain the high attendance, vigor of SAC conferences and best utilize the time of all organizers involved dealing with these conferences school-to-school. Explore new ways to streamline the SAC budget. Make recommendations regarding ways in which to balance SAC’s budget by increasing revenue and eliminating the deficit. 3/12/20168
Regional Outstanding Meeting Program (ROMP) 3/12/20169
Thank you 3/12/201616