Annual Study Conference 2012 Opening Liturgy “I have run the race to the finish I have kept the faith”
We place this Olympic flag as a symbol of our belief in developing amongst the children in our schools the Olympic values of friendship, respect and excellence.
We bring forward this image of an Olympic wreath a symbol of the Olympic values of equality, courage, determination and inspiration.
We place this Bible as a sign of our lives rooted in the gospel values of Jesus Christ.
We light this candle as a sign in our schools that we explore the mysteries of light and faith.
We bring forward the cross as a symbol which tries to make sense of human limits and failures.
We place these photographs of Olympic athletes as a sign that we see everyone as created in the image and likeness of God.
Finally we bring forth a relay baton to symbolise the duty we have as educators to the passing on of the faith to future generations.
Background while Andrew talks