The Progress of Partnership Program Implementing The Project Anti Rismayanti Partnership Coordinator
Reflections 1.What is the current status of the partnership program? 2.What is the current activities that both schools conduct? 3.How is the status of the project has been given?
Obstacles Do not have an access to the contact persons Wrong and cell phone number The person in charge has been moved to another school The barrier of language Do not know how to start Lack of access to the communication tools
Strategy Start the program from the small one Start to communicate Sharing and mapping curriculum Choose one of interest subject Pick some of teachers and students to be involved in piloting program Introducing each other via , chat, skype, vicon????
Strategy cont. Integrating the climate change and HVWSHE (Human Value based Water Sanitation Hygiene Education) in the interest subject. Student exchange Teacher exchange
The Efforts June 2011
Keep The Spirit of Partnership For Quality Improvement of Education