The author of the story is Henry Fielding, Written in 1749 The genre is fiction The main theme is adventure/fighting Henry Fielding described Tom Jones as a “comic epic in prose”, and became very important because he described the human nature with their vices and virtues.
This story tells about Tom, a new born baby, founded in the bedroom of a rich gentlemen, Mr Allworthy, who brings him up with his dead sister’s child, Blifil. Tom was honest and brave, while Blifil, was insincere and cruel. Mr Thwackum, a sadistic church chaplain, forms an alliance with Blifil against Tom and manages to convince Mr Allworthy to disown him,and Tom is forced to leave his home.He has many adventure and many women but he is still in love with Sophia.After Mr Allworthy finds that Tom’s mother was his own sister and Tom returns home.He marries Sophia and forgives everyone, Blifil too.
He was born in Somerset,in 1707 and studied first at Eton and then at the Dutch University of Leyden.Much of his work was satirical. He began to write for the theatre and married a lady of means.He was made Justice of the Peace and the following year London Magistrate.In 1754 moved to Portugal,died and was buried in the English cemetery in Lisbon.
By Pina, Alessia and Raffaella IV A LSPP