Access Grid Authorization Thomas Uram Argonne National Laboratory
Agenda Authorization Landscape Role-based Authorization AuthorizationManager API Examples and exercises
Landscape PKI –Every user has a unique certificate Web Services –Web-accessible components of the AG software are exposed via SOAP over GSI –GSI connections are authenticated using certificates User’s identity subject to verification by server Server’s identity subject to verification by user –Methods are distinguished by their callability Administrator methods –Venue configuration User methods –Venue entry
Landscape Multicas t Audio Service Video Service Venue
Role-based Authorization Abstraction layer between objects and persons who will access them Similar to *nix file system concept –Each object has a list of actions that can be performed on it (rwx) –Each action has a list of groups which are allowed to call it –Each group has a list of members (/etc/group)
Roles Roles are user groups –Required roles Administrator User –Custom roles Venue.AllowedEntry Venue.RegisteredUsers
Actions Actions define operations on web services –In *nix file system analog, read/write/execute are Actions Actions currently map one-to-one to web service methods –VenueServer.GetVenues –Venue.GetStreams
Subjects Subject class holds information about a user (in particular, the user’s distinguished name)
Policies An authorization policy describes the role/action/subject relationships in force for a service The policy for a service is represented in XML The policy can be modified wholesale, or through individual calls Services define default policies
Authorization UI VenueServer
Authorization UI Venue
AuthorizationManager AccessGrid.Security.AuthorizationManager Exposes interfaces for modifying the authorization policy for a service Used in authorization callback registered with SOAP server
AuthorizationManager API
Future work Finer-grained authorization –Apply to objects in Venue –Permit authorization of individuals, not just groups Consider integrating a well-established authorization framework
Example: List defined Roles #!/usr/bin/python2 import sys from AccessGrid.Toolkit import CmdlineApplication from AccessGrid.Venue import VenueIW from AccessGrid.Security.AuthorizationManager import AuthorizationManagerIW url = sys.argv[1] # Create and initialize application app = CmdlineApplication() app.Initialize('ListRoles') # Get url for authorization manager and create interface wrapper v = VenueIW(url) amurl = v.GetAuthorizationManager() authManager = AuthorizationManagerIW(amurl) # Get roles from venue and process roleList = authManager.ListRoles() for role in roleList: print
Exercise: List subjects in Roles
Example: Venue ACL manager