K. Hall Davis School District Farmington, UT summit
Summit ©Davis School District Farmington, UT
Summit Thinking Boxes (template can be created by folding a paper into fourths)
Summit: examples ©Davis School District Farmington, UT This rock climber has reached the summit of the rock. Click the link to watch a climber on the summit of Mt. Everest.
Summit SynonymsAntonyms topbottom peakbase tipfoundation capFoot ©Davis School District Farmington, UT Complete the table as a class.
Summit ©Davis School District Farmington, UT Give more examples of places that would have a summit
Summit: in context ©Davis School District Farmington, UT Based on the text, why are there huge chunks of rock near the summit?
Summit Climbers train their whole lives to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. Complete the sentence: To reach a summit of ____ you must ____. ©Davis School District Farmington, UT